Passover: A Celebration of Liberty, Long Before Freedom – IOTW Report

Passover: A Celebration of Liberty, Long Before Freedom

Big Government: The Jewish holiday of Passover begins Monday evening, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt, and from slavery to freedom, thousands of years ago.

The festival begins with the seder meal, which features a retelling of the story, along with the presentation of the paschal lamb (pesach), the eating of unleavened bread (matzah), and the tasting of bitter herbs (maror). The holiday lasts seven days (eight, outside Israel), during which leavened bread is forbidden.

From our contemporary perspective, in which Jews have enjoyed freedom in the United States for more than two centuries, and when the State of Israel has been established for nearly seventy years, it is too easy to overlook the fact that Jews celebrated freedom on Passover for millennia before we (or anyone) enjoyed anything remotely like political freedom. Moreover, there are some Jews still living today who can recall the deadly slave labor of Nazi concentration camps.  read more

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