PASTOR: Chicago gang leaders believe Trump can help curb killings – IOTW Report

PASTOR: Chicago gang leaders believe Trump can help curb killings

AM: During a discussion with black leaders in the White House on Wednesday, Pastor Darrell Scott told President Trump that he will be visiting Chicago in the coming weeks to meet with “gang thugs” who want his help curbing the out-of-control violence in the city.

The Cleveland pastor and early Trump supporter said, “I was recently contacted by some of the top gang thugs in Chicago for a sit-down.

“They reached out to me because they associated me with you. They respect you. They believe in what you’re doing,” Scott said.

“And they want to have a sit-down about lowering their body count, so in a couple weeks, I’m going into Chicago.”

“Great idea,” Trump responded, “because Chicago is totally out of control.”

The New Spirit Revival Center pastor continued, “These are the guys straight from the streets. No politicians — straight street guys. But they’re going to commit that if they lower that body count, we’ll come in and do some social programs.”

Trump told Scott, “If they’re not going to solve the problem, then we’re going to solve the problem for them,” adding, “what’s happening in Chicago should not be happening in this country.”  MORE

12 Comments on PASTOR: Chicago gang leaders believe Trump can help curb killings

  1. wow, trump is beginning to be seen by some in the slums as the 2nd coming of christ, and as the 666 guy by the elites and undergrad millennials

    it just doesn’t get better than this

  2. Gangs are not afraid of the CPD. They are afraid of the feds. Feds can bring in Agents from all over the country, move in with impunity, and get the job done. With the feds pitching in, Rham can lay off some cops and save a few bucks. Another advantage? When the Feds convict, criminals go to Federal pens, not state pens. Rahm Emanuel is not playing nice to get results. He’s going along to get Federal dollars spent in his city. Don’t be shocked if Emanuel sabotages the Feds just to make Trump look bad. Democrat votes come first.

  3. I don’t think the “thugs” on the south side of Chicago are even afraid of the Feds. What Trump needs to do is send in a couple of street magicians who perform illusions, and watch the fraidy cats scatter to the wind.

  4. Just think, if trump actually does make some measurable improvements to the slums and those living there see and feel the changes for the better, it wouldn’t be too safe for Obama to live in that town again, he’d be dragged out and ripped to schreds by the mob….and then I woke up.

  5. Nah, I think Trump is gonna go to the new
    Nobama library property and piss on the grass.

    Then he’ll tell emanuel the AG is opening
    an investigation up on his white house time as
    chief of staff.

  6. The killings will only be curbed only when they are no more left to be killed. City by city. They have failed to assimilate. It seems to be an african tribal thing.

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