Pastor Friend of NYC Mayor Eric Adams Arrested By Feds – IOTW Report

Pastor Friend of NYC Mayor Eric Adams Arrested By Feds

Gateway Pundit: Federal officers arrested New York Bishop Lamor Whitehead and brought charges against him alleging he conned a 56-year-old congregant of her life savings, bullied a businessman for $5,000, and lied to the FBI.

US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams stated: “As we allege today, Lamor Whitehead abused the trust placed in him by a parishioner, bullied a businessman for $5,000, then tried to defraud him of far more than that, and lied to federal agents.”

Bishop Whitehead has been a friend of NYC Mayor Eric Adams and in 2015 while Adam’s was running for Brooklyn Borrugh President he introduced Whitmore on stage asa “good friend and good brother.”

As a repsosne to Whitehead’s arrest Mayor Adams’ spokerpserson released an email from Adam’s stating “While these allegations are troubling, I will withhold further comment until the process reaches its final conclusion.” MORE

9 Comments on Pastor Friend of NYC Mayor Eric Adams Arrested By Feds

  1. And people wonder why no one goes to church anymore.
    Pro 29:6  In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare: but the righteous doth sing and rejoice. 
    Pro 29:7  The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it. 
    Pro 29:16  When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall. 

  2. “Preachers” don’t usually roll this way. They are men & women of God & followed a calling. This moron drove around in a $300,000 Rolls Royce, tacky clothes & ostentatious jewels. He did not follow a calling, he followed the money & bilked his parish followers out of their life savings.

  3. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Only the weak minded would follow such, living by feelings instead of discernment. It is true that discernment is one of the harder things to come by, but this guy is a big flashing red light.

  4. Had me until “… lied to federal agents …”

    How in fuck can that be a crime?
    Lying to a member of a traitorous criminal organization of liars is a crime?
    In what Universe?

    Good thing I won’t be on that jury.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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