Pat Buchanan— Moral Supremacy and Mr. Putin – IOTW Report

Pat Buchanan— Moral Supremacy and Mr. Putin

USA –  -( Is Donald Trump to be allowed to craft a foreign policy based on the ideas on which he ran and won the presidency in 2016?

Our foreign policy elite’s answer appears to be a thunderous no.

Case in point: U.S. relations with Russia.

During the campaign Trump was clear. He would seek closer ties with Russia and cooperate with Vladimir Putin in smashing al-Qaida and ISIS terrorists in Syria, and leave Putin’s ally Bashar Assad alone.

With this diplomatic deal in mind, President Trump has resisted efforts to get him to call Putin a “thug” or a “murderer.”

Asked during his taped Super Bowl interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly whether he respected Putin, Trump said that, as a leader, yes.

O’Reilly pressed, “But he’s a killer, though. Putin’s a killer.”

To which Trump replied, “There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?”

While his reply was clumsy, Trump’s intent was commendable.

If he is to negotiate a modus vivendi with a nation with an arsenal of nuclear weapons sufficient to end life as we know it in the USA, probably not a good idea to start off by calling its leader a “killer.”


11 Comments on Pat Buchanan— Moral Supremacy and Mr. Putin

  1. it’s a crazy world and we need to focus on the battles that make sense at the moment

    my assessment is that trump is handling putin well and needs him in a combined fight against islamic terror


  2. I don’t really care for trumps answer. But what I really don’t care for is the media constantly endangering our national security by constantly antagonizing Trump trying to get him to call out Putin has a murderer. Of course Putin is a murderer, how does it help any of us to antagonize him? We are going to have to deal with Russia, I agree with trump that we should go at it from a positive relations rather than negative relations standpoint.

  3. You got killers. We got killers. Now lets talk. Obama was all talk and in touch with his feelings. All these media types should put on their pussy hats and sit a corner.

  4. It is the “Trump Administration”, not the Clintons, Obamas, O’Reillys, Ryans, McCONnells, McCains, Grahams, Rubios or the main stream media talking heads or week-end pundits.

    Trump has appointed the best and brightest as Dept. of State, Department of Defense and many other trusted and highly qualified staff.

    Mitch, you mealy mouth establishment bastard, STFU. Get off your Rino ass and confirm Trump’s Nominations for his cabinet positions and let Trump get on with the business of leading this Nation.
    Don’t be an obstructionist. Could you at least support President Trump more than you supported Obama?

  5. It’s really ironic to hear the self-righteous spew their call for hardline non-communication.

    What am I saying! Violence, unwillingness to listen to the other side, or even allow the other side to have independent thought, chiding, name calling, labeling, suppression of thought, religion, moral codes, are all ways the liberals are expressing themselves in AMERICA. Why would I think for a second that they would act differently towards anyone else! That includes McCain, Rubio, Lindsay and other liberal faux GOP. Makes it quite clear who the war mongers are.

    I think the naysayers just don’t give a damn what President Trump does, their biggest fear is that he might succeed. Make friends with a communist country! Huh, they have the most in common with communism, so that just won’t do!

  6. A President at war is more exposed to catastrophic events which might lead to impeachment. I wouldn’t put it past Maverick, Billo and all the other war provocateurs to hope for that chance.

    They must be so disappointed to hear that President Trump is sitting around alone in his bathrobe at the WH without a hooker in his lap. Not gonna catch him like Billy Jeff, so war it is.

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