Patagonia decides to pick and choose only the wokest buyers for its famous vests – IOTW Report

Patagonia decides to pick and choose only the wokest buyers for its famous vests


Can lefty companies pick and choose their buyers, as if the gay cake controversy were applicable only to conservatives?

Yep, they’re doing it — and getting away with it as a good public relations move in the press.

In a Bloomberg piece under the unintentionally ironic header of “Good Business,” Patagonia is refusing to license the vests it sells to oil companies, mining companies, religious groups, “politically affiliated” (read: conservative) organizations, and big wicked banks.

Late last year, Patagonia updated its mission statement, saying, “We’re in business to save our home planet.”


Do these jackasses use electricity?  Do they use capital to create those black vests they are selling as today’s business attire?  Do they have religious views of their own?  Yes, yes, yes, on all fronts.  So what they’re really doing is setting belief requirements for their buyers in order to allow them to order their vests with any company name on them.  See, they aren’t in the business of selling vests anymore; they are now saving the planet.

The Bloomberg piece says they’re actually turning buyers away, because some of them aren’t virtuous enough.

Never mind if those buyers pick up trash or their companies have greenie agendas of their own, as many big banks and mining companies do.  Right industry, come right in, and let us sell to you, since we permit that privilege.  Wrong industry, no sales.

Sounds like a lovely business plan that should thrill the shareholders.   More


17 Comments on Patagonia decides to pick and choose only the wokest buyers for its famous vests

  1. Shucks, I guess as a white hetero petro burning male that puts me at the bottom of their list.

    I guess that puts me in the same unwoke place I’ve been ever since social justice came to town. Oh, so avant-garde –

    Don’t matter, there are tyres in the backyard what for making up the injustice.

  2. I loved their products, but the greener they got the poorer the quality became. I really enjoyed their Catalog and looked forward to its arrival… at least until the head of the Company came out as a freaking lesbian. I can do without their stuff now. Carhardt isn’t so bad, and I look lie a tougher bad ass outdoorsman than Tim. (Arborwear is great too.)

  3. I recently made a similar point on another blog I frequent, about how out of state environmental whackjobs come here to protest against coal mining. But they lack credibility because they don’t walk here and camp out under the stars in summer heat.

    No they fly in or drive in, using fuel provided by another industry they despise. Wearing their fashionable synthetic fiber outdoor clothing, camp out inside the hotels with a/c, lights, hot water, tv, computer connections all available at the flip of a switch or turn of a valve. Electric power provided by the thing they are protesting. Guess they don’t really want the 17th century life they’d get if they succeeded in getting what they claim they want to happen.

    Yeah, in the past I have purchased a couple of Yvon Chouinard’s company products. I thought it was nice stuff, but after reading his call to vote socialist in the coming election in a full page essay inside Patagonia’s 2016 catalog, and discovering his company’s leaders are as loony as he is. One percent for the planet, and who knows what percent to planned parenthood. Save the planet by killing the next generation would be a more honest company mission statement.

    Well, other companies make quality products too, and I now buy their products. Of course he can do what he wants with his company, but it won’t be my money helping him to do it. Oh, and besides if he loves socialism so much, why doesn’t he live where it is the fully implemented system of government? .

  4. ‘You can buy my products only if I approve of you.’ Actually, for custom products I built during the last 35 years, that was true. But my “approval” was based on the customer have minimal, technical expertise, not some political fad of saving the planet (which they are not doing.)

  5. Yvon got his synchilla panties in a wad because Trump actually gave Utah back control over it’s own land in the Grand Staircase- Escalante area. Clinton locked it up as a park to stop any mining to pay back the Indonesian Ryadi group for campaign $upport. Yvon probably doesn’t even think deep enough to know this………

  6. Well, even Dick’s has proven that you can alienate 50% of your customers and still survive…. may need to close a few brick & mortars, but I do not know if patagonia has any of those. If I cannot get what I need at wally world, I probably do not need it (hobbies not withstanding).
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. Over-priced trendy crap. I was wise to those assholes a few years back. I prefer Columbia anyway; they are Oregon-based, but they have so far managed to stay out of politics, as far as I know. Bass Pro Shops has some good stuff, and they are right-thinking Americans.

  8. Helly Hansen.

    Norway. Since 1877*. Buy some clothes or buy some stock. Either way you can’t go wrong.

    * I think the majority share is owned by canada now.


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