Pathetic ‘kinetic’ John Kasich thinks he can be a contender – IOTW Report

Pathetic ‘kinetic’ John Kasich thinks he can be a contender


Howie Carr: Is there any more pathetic governor than John Kasich?

Actually, now that I think about it: maybe one, Gov. Charlie “Tall Deval” Baker.

They do have a couple of things in common. They’re RINOs – Republicans in Name Only – and they’re on the lam.

Tall Deval fled Boston yesterday, lammed it down Route 24 to Westport for a chamber of commerce gathering with some very ethical Bristol County statesmen. Maybe he wanted to deliver a personal check to the brand-new legal-defense fund that Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia has just set up for himself….

But as far as Tall Deval was concerned, hobnobbing with the local criminal class beat being photographed with Vice President Mike Pence, who was in Boston at the Langham Hotel for a $15,000-a-head GOP fundraiser. God forbid the governor should get political cooties from his old pal in the Republican Governors Association.

Let me guess, Tall Deval. You’re very “disappointed” in the vice president. He is, after all, a Republican.

But at least Tall Deval only runs away to Bristol County. Kasich has practically moved to New Hampshire. He truly seems to believe that he’s going to be a serious candidate for president in 2020. I know the late Mumbles Menino used to say that “hope burns eternal” but this is ridiculous.  read more

13 Comments on Pathetic ‘kinetic’ John Kasich thinks he can be a contender

  1. I’d like to see him run again. I think he might have a full nervous breakdown with the cameras rolling. That’s something you don’t see everyday.

    I’m talking something that would make Howard Dean’s howl look like a Shakespearean soliloquy.

  2. Once Kasich too $700,000 from George Soros (google him) to stay in the race with Cruz to try to screw Trump, He became an asshole to me…………he was our last governor

  3. Last week, I had a GOP precinct worker come to my door here in Ohio.

    He asked, “what the GOP needed to do to maintain my support?”

    I told him to have Kasich move out of the state and shut up.


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