PATHETIC. RNC Releases New Report Confirming Democrat Election Cheating After Abandoning Trump and Telling NY Times in February They Regretted Claims of Fraud – IOTW Report

PATHETIC. RNC Releases New Report Confirming Democrat Election Cheating After Abandoning Trump and Telling NY Times in February They Regretted Claims of Fraud

GP: The RNC released a report on Thursday confirming election cheating by Democrats in the 2020 election.

This report comes after months of silence by the Republican Party after Democrats stole the November election from Trump.

And this also comes months after RNC Chair told The New York Times she was regretted allowing Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell’s claims of voter fraud.

The RNC has also been completely silent on the historic Maricopa County forensic audit. more here

24 Comments on PATHETIC. RNC Releases New Report Confirming Democrat Election Cheating After Abandoning Trump and Telling NY Times in February They Regretted Claims of Fraud

  1. Ronna on a call: Darn! Our bank account is low and the voters aren’t donating. Let’s release a weak ass statement that noooowww we realize there was probably cheating. Maybe Trump voters will love us again.

    Ronna is a fake. They’re all fakes.
    Go get a job with the Dirty Dems. They’re more your type.

  2. FUCK THE RNC!!!

    I will never give then another dollar.
    Thry abandpned Trump therefore I will abandon them.

    Rob Portman is a trader!
    He betray the GOP Voters.
    He betrayed the citizens of Ohio

  3. She knows Goddamned well the election was shot through with fraud and the idiot sitting in The Office of the Presidency is not legitimately elected. The worthless See You Next Tuesday and her establishment Republicans were in on it.

  4. You would think after raking in hundreds of millions of dollars, they could buy at least 1 piece of vertebra. But no, spinless corrupt cucks the whole lot of them.
    You and your party can go the way of the Whigs.

  5. Sid here many times last 7 months. She’s a “Bush Republican”! Bush Republicans have not morals. So they lie with was. Then tell opposing lies like their original lies were never said.

    Is herFaceBook moniker “Marie Delecto”?


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