Patients Are Going to the ER Over “Severe” Side Effects From Ozempic – IOTW Report

Patients Are Going to the ER Over “Severe” Side Effects From Ozempic

Best Life: Weight-loss drugs have skyrocketed in popularity this year, causing shortages of popular treatments like Novo Nordisk’s Wegovy and Ozempic (the latter of which is indicated for type 2 diabetes, but often prescribed off-label for weight loss). In the coming years, analysts say that demand will only grow, with more and more patients seeking options to help them shed stubborn pounds. But while these treatments are miracle drugs for some, others are getting more than they bargained for, with Ozempic reportedly causing “severe” side effects. In the most extreme cases, patients are seeking emergency treatment.

According to a Dec. 20 press release, between 2022 and 2023, the Banner Poison and Drug Information Center saw a 100 percent increase in calls related to semaglutide, which is the active ingredient in both Ozempic and Wegovy. Reports were from the public and doctors, with many coming from emergency departments where patients presented with “nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances.” According to Banner, patients experienced these side effects even when taking the medication as directed. more here

21 Comments on Patients Are Going to the ER Over “Severe” Side Effects From Ozempic

  1. I have seen SO MANY morbidly obese mother fuckers here in Vegas lately.
    I saw a guy who was EASILY 500+ pounds.
    Saw a woman on a scooter that was pushing 5 bills as well.
    Would the last skinny black girl please turn off the lights?

    How the FUCK do they get that fucking fat???

  2. Put down the processed food – it’s killing you. It’s full of unpronounceable crappola and bad of you oils. Step away from the canola oil – there’s a reason they use it – and it’s not for your benefit, it’s for their bottom line. Everything they told you is a lie. Margarine and vegetable oils are bad, butter and olive oil are good. Oh and obviously lay off the sugar – it is poison.

    Why do any of the above when you can just take a pill like the dancing fat girl in the ad to lower your A1C? Big Pharma would hate you if you didn’t buy their pills that treat only symptoms – they do love their customers.

  3. People are fat & sick due in no small part to High Fructose Corn Syrup used in 1000’s of food & drink products.
    That shit is insidious!
    I cut out every thing that contains it and immediately started feeling better & the weight just fell off.
    3 years later, I take up less space and feel much better than I’ve felt in years. Type 2 is a “self inflicted” disease.

  4. @ Stop The World, I despise the dancing fat girl commercial and all the grinning idiots. Weeeeooooo we’re all happy diabetics. Yeeee Haw!

    There is the cost of this stuff as well. My Doc told me the cost is usually $900+ to $1,000 per month.
    It’s better to lay off the carbs, sugar, ignore the latest gov’t pushed food pyramid, eat good fats, protein, eat real food.

  5. Beachmom SATURDAY, 23 DECEMBER 2023, 15:54 AT 3:54 PM…a smart law firm should be able to make billions suing big pharma because they “knowingly” adulterated the vaccines. And that is not covered by the “can’t sue” clause.

  6. Type 2 Diabetes isn’t always what you eat or no exercise. Mom was 85 pounds, ate ZERO sugar, anything unpronounceable in her foods, ate real butter and olive oil. Did all her own cooking, took care of a three story house and walked every day.

    In her last year on this earth, her doctor finally convinced her that she could have a small slice of pie once a week. She cut it so thin, you could see through it.

    So, there are exceptions.

  7. Ivermectin etc. were all “outlawed” as it was a necessary precondition for the Emergency Use Authorization for the various kill shots.

    As (medical, not Jill) Dr. Jerry Mixon says:

    “Anything stong enough to help you is strong enough to hurt you.”

  8. Doctors are taught to treat symptoms with drugs…and drugs are used to fool the body into thinking that some natural chemical the body has or lacks must go or be changed into something else.

    The answer is to take as few drugs as possible in living your life unless confronted with an illness or a condition that threatens your life.

    Sadly we live in a culture that uses sides effects from drugs to enhance and design our lives, bodies, and minds.

    And there is money in drugs. So we will always have drugs but we need the cures as well.

    Too many people use drugs like Ozempic among others for vanity. This meds should be used in life threatened situations only but they ain’t.

  9. I should be nice but I can’t deal with the dancing Jardiance meatball girl. “I weigh 500 pounds and I manage it well.” Um no honey you don’t. It’s disturbing how turned on that Puerto Rican mailman is 🙂


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