Patients who regret sex-change ops, sue doctors pose legal challenges for health care industry – IOTW Report

Patients who regret sex-change ops, sue doctors pose legal challenges for health care industry


Healthcare providers may think twice about giving young people puberty blockers or other drug or surgeries, amid growing litigation by former patients who desisted from gender confusion.

Two Californians – Kayla Lovdahl and Chloe Cole – are now suing Kaiser Permanente for “gender affirming” procedures performed on them as minors, alleging “medical negligence” and ignorance of a large body of research on the risks of medicalized transitions.

Preceding them last summer, Oregon’s Camille Kiefel sued the mental health professionals whom she alleges rushed and falsified evaluations authorized her, as an adult, for a taxpayer-funded double mastectomy despite red flags in her mental health history. MORE

18 Comments on Patients who regret sex-change ops, sue doctors pose legal challenges for health care industry

  1. I hope they get awarded huge amounts.
    It should be enough to scare other hospitals from mutilating people. Especially children like they do at the Barbara Bush Children’s wing of Maine Medical Center

  2. I hope the trannys lose, and are humiliated even more for their stupidity. It should have never reached the point where the kid was given free rein over their feewings. Give a kid a loaded gun and see what happens. Their breasts aren’t coming back, that penis that’s tucked up inside you and no nuts, aren’t coming back. No amount of money will restore you. You got what you asked for so STFU. BTW, some parents even encouraged their kid to change their sex. Like the millionaires on the sub, no one forced you to get on board. You just wanted the attention, at first it was great, now you’re just another freak on the street.

  3. In reply to “Goldenfoxx”, I know of 2 trannies who have serious anger management issues. The first is a cousin of my “brother from another mother”. He is a millionaire who paid for all of his transitioning surgeries to be a woman who looks like Cher and is 6′-2″(not in heels). My brother fully expects his cousin to commit suicide one day, because “surprise, surpise” no man wants to date him.
    The other is a young woman of 18 who was told at the age of 11 by her school teacher that she really is a boy. Wrong! She had anger problems at the age of 2 (regularly threw tantrums when no one would pay her attention), at the age of 11 and now at the age of 18. She has been on puberty blockers for 7 years and now has been prescribed “testosterone” in order to grow a beard and deepen her voice. Not a great idea for someone with anger management issues. I predict that by the age of 25, she will be suing either her parents, the school system or the doctors who did all of this nonsense.

  4. The goal of the Left is to overwhelm the system any way possible (Cloward-Piven). Insurance companiies are part of the system. When you think about it, maybe the objective was to create a subset of people that will bleed the insurance companies dry.

  5. Talk about insurance going up – I handle our healthcare renewals and this year the deductible was up $500, cost was up almost 7% which is actually lower than the usual 10%. The insurance company provided the schedule of any benefit changes. The only change was ‘gender dysphoria’ it was covered before and now it is fully covered whatever that means. We all are already paying for this via private insurance or Medicare. These treatments wouldn’t even be an issue if people had to pay for them or their children.

  6. Keep in mind that these kids were teen or even pre-teen. Their surgeries and drugs are due to abuse by others, who should have been looking out for their safety. I don’t think a stupid teen deserves this – they are supposed to have support from parents, certainly from doctors who are caring for them through childhood.

  7. Left Coast Dan AT 10:57 AM…thank you for a voice of reason. Remember that all of the crap going on is supposed to be “for future generations.” These kids are merely pawns in an evil scheme to tear down our culture.

  8. @Big Momma: I predict that by the age of 25, she will be suing either her parents, the school system or the doctors who did all of this nonsense.

    I predict she’ll end up offing herself. That seems to be the common theme surrounding these nutcases. My nieces 16 yo (twin) wants to be a male, niece encouraged it. Said niece likes to brag how she’s the only one in the family with a Master’s degree. I remind her she’s the only one in the family whose a pervert with a pervert kid. Really, what good are they? They can’t reproduce (good), they will have medical issues the rest of their life. Where’s the joy? They made a mistake, one they must live with or die. No one should be held accountable but themselves. Reality will eventually settle in, we’re seeing the effects of it right now.


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