Patricia Smith: Debate ‘Stunk,’ No Mention of Benghazi – IOTW Report

Patricia Smith: Debate ‘Stunk,’ No Mention of Benghazi

Breitbart: Patricia Smith, one of the bereaved mothers who lost a son in the Benghazi terror attack of Sep. 11, 2012, told Breitbart News that the third presidential debate on Wednesday “stunk.” “They didn’t even mention Benghazi,” she said with evident disgust.

Smith had been the guys of the Donald Trump campaign, and told Breitbart News prior to the event that she hoped she would hear some answers about what happened to her son, Sean Patrick Smith, who was killed along with three other Americans.

“I want an answer as to why my son is dead,” she said, choking back tears.

“My son is dead and somebody has to tell me why.”

Asked for her reaction to the Washington Post‘s editorial endorsing Hillary Clinton — in which the paper declared that Benghazi was “no scandal at all” — Smith’s answer had been equivocal:

“Bullsh!t,” she said. “My son is dead: how do you explain that?”

13 Comments on Patricia Smith: Debate ‘Stunk,’ No Mention of Benghazi

  1. Did Ms. Smith not get the memo that her Royal Hind End Smellary, with a nod and a wink from the congressional committee, has already decided that due to the passage of time Benghazi doesn’t matter anymore!

  2. What is a leppo?
    And who is Ben Gauzy?

    Sorry, in spite of the phony accolades for Chris Wallace as fair and balanced, he proved himself to be an inside the beltway liberal last night. Just look at the box score of questions asked and the number of times he cut off Trump vs Clinton. Last night was total Bravo Sierra.

  3. There were a couple times last night when Hillary was talking about all her accomplishments while in public office. I was just waiting for Trump to ask “Where were you on Benghazi Bitch?”
    Trump wins all the debates in factual content, but he spends 95% of his time on the defensive. For me, it’s hard to watch.

  4. Benghazi happened because we had an incompetent president who supported and was arming muslim terrorists in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran and Egypt, a lying self serving inept Secretary of State, a failure as Sec. of Defense and a pentagon full of politically appointed generals who are paper pushing “perfumed princes”. Don’t forget the tight lipped CIA covert actions to facilitate arming terrorists on Obama’s orders. And the lap dog media could care less, it didn’t fit their narrative of electing Hillary or protecting Obama.

    Each had a role to play in allowing the murder of US citizens and deserve prosecution to the fullest. May shame cover their lives.

    Mrs. Smith, at the very least, deserves the truth, as painful as it will be. God Bless the Smith Family for standing while others shirk their duties and betray their oath.

  5. joe6pak, I think his team is pounding on him to stay presidential which he did for 23 minutes last night. Then she pissed him off with the Putin comment. So all three debates we end up with a muffled DJT. They would have been better off just turning him loose.

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