Patrick Leahy Is Retiring, And It’s About Damn Time – IOTW Report

Patrick Leahy Is Retiring, And It’s About Damn Time

Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont has announced his retirement.

Well good riddance and it’s about damn time.

I can recall almost to the day when I turned from believing myself a Democrat to becoming an Independent with strong conservative leanings. It all had to do with a respect for truth.

And when it came to the Democrats, any notion of respect for the value of truth foundered during the confirmation hearings of Justice Robert Bork in 1987.

Patrick Leahy, during an exchange with the judge, did one of the most disgusting and immoral things I have ever seen. To this day I find it unforgivable and cringe each time I see or hear the man.

To recap a bit, Bork was nominated to the court by Ronald Reagan. At the time it was a contentious nomination because it was to replace the moderate “swing vote” of Justice Lewis Powell. Seeing that Bork’s “originalist” views on the Constitution might well tip the balance of the Court to conservatives, Democrats were all in to destroy the judge’s nomination. more

9 Comments on Patrick Leahy Is Retiring, And It’s About Damn Time

  1. And the vile way he treated Judge Bork may not even have been the most underhanded, dishonest thing he did over his decades in the senate. He is also known as “Leaky Leahy” because on multiple occasions he he leaked classified information to the press in order to sabotage foreign policy decisions he didn’t like. A truly evil, self serving sack of porcine poop that, by any valid measure of justice, should have been hung by the neck until dead decades ago for his crimes against America. Here’s one link to some of his repugnant history along with an excerpt from the article.

    “Then there is Mr. Leahy’s most infamous leak. As the Senate was preparing to hold hearings on the Iran-Contra scandal, Mr. Leahy finally was forced to resign his Intelligence Committee post after he again was caught leaking secret information to a reporter. Incredibly, Mr. Leahy, the ranking Intelligence Committee Democrat, had allowed an NBC reporter to comb through the committee’s confidential draft report on the scandal. NBC aired a report based on the inside information on Jan. 11, 1987. Following a six-month internal investigation and after recognizing that investigators had him dead to rights, Mr. Leahy “voluntarily” stepped down from his committee post.

    Mr. Leahy’s outrageous leak was considered one of the most serious breaches of secrecy in the Intelligence Committee’s history.”

  2. Great article in the link.

    Leahy like most of his fellow senate scumbags, is a disgusting piece of 💩.

    Good bye and good riddance. Unfortunately he’s likely to be replaced by someone cut from the same cloth.

  3. Look up the definition of Swamp Dweller, and you get this piece of shit’s picture. The Bork hearing was the spark that started my move to the right, and listening to Rush shortly after completed my journey. Life isn’t fair; Rush is gone and this asshole lives on.


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