Patrick Leahy won’t seek reelection after 48 years in the Senate – IOTW Report

Patrick Leahy won’t seek reelection after 48 years in the Senate

WaEx: Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont announced Monday he would not seek reelection next year, leaving open a seat he has held since 1975.

“I’m proud to be Vermont’s longest-serving senator, and my time in the Senate has made a difference,” Leahy, 81, said at a press conference at the Vermont State House. He said he chose the location because it was where he initially announced his candidacy for the Senate. more

21 Comments on Patrick Leahy won’t seek reelection after 48 years in the Senate

  1. Talk about waaaaay past his expiration date.

    If term limits had been built into our political system, the forces of evil “probably” would have found an end around but the system we have now is fucking disgusting.

  2. All of us here and beyond would not be dealing with 3/4ths of the BULLSHIT emanating from D.C. if there were term limits. PERIOD.

    And hey Watermelon Head. May your retirement be welcomed quickly with a dirt nap.

  3. Yeah, he “made a difference” alright. He and sanders likely would have been hanged as Tory traitors back in the late 1700s. I wonder which CT/MA/RI/NY/NJ refugee VT will elect next to fill that seat?

  4. Heaven won’t have him and Hell don’t want him.
    He’ll exist as a wraith for decades to come, emanating evil in 360 degrees (spherical). The very furniture he infests will become evil.
    Satan will relent and that evil POS will slide headlong into the fiery adamantine gate, gathered in, and tortured for all Eternity for his myriad sins.

    No one will weep at his passing – they know he goes to his just deserts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Leahy’s fellow sexual deviant and traitor in arms, Ted “Screw ’em and Drown’em” Kennedy is right now happily polishing the seat in Hell right next to his that has been reserved for this loathsome, pond scum of a human, Leahy.

    Hopefully Leahy is resigning due to some terminal medical condition. Burn in Hell you evil spawn of Satan.

  6. Leahy is another turd parasite in the useless arrogant senate.

    Presided over the managed decline of America, flattening of wages, third world invasion and overpopulation, skyrocketing government spending and debt, outsourcing of our manufacturing, failed costly military occupations.

    Don’t let the door hit you in the butt leahy can you take the rest of the corrupt senate with you.

    What a bunch of losers


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