Patriots in New Orleans Retrieved A Discarded Monument – IOTW Report

Patriots in New Orleans Retrieved A Discarded Monument

The Hayride: Patriots climbed into the Mississippi River and emerged with a monument that the New Orleans LGTBQ+ rally threw in the Big Muddy the day before.

It was an active weekend for 19th century philanthropist John McDonogh. The LGTBQ+ “Take Back Pride Motorcade” rally became riotous on Saturday afternoon. This scene could be a case study of Trump Derangement Syndrome. A kid whacked the bust of McDonogh with a skateboard. A wire was placed around the bronze neck and the “protesters,” now rioting for equality, yanked the bust from its base like ISIS terrorists. They reportedly loaded it into a vehicle, drove it to the Mississippi River, and rolled it off the sidewalk onto the rocky embankment. They rolled the McDonogh bust until it disappeared beneath the Mississippi’s surface.

That was Saturday. Videos of the riot splashed across social media. The NOPD arrested two individuals, Caleb Wassell, 27, and Michaela Davis, 32, and magistrate court commissioner Robert Blackburn released them the following day. They face minor charges.

Neither The Advocate nor NOPD included the perps’ home town/city if they are Louisiana residents, or write their resident state if they live elsewhere. The Advocate staff doesn’t seem to know much of anything about the city, its artists, or its artwork as clearly evidenced throughout the past five years. And neither law enforcement nor the City attempted to stop the destruction of a city monument, one that has local significance. more here

h/t RWF.

14 Comments on Patriots in New Orleans Retrieved A Discarded Monument

  1. The worst they had to put up with were the questions and comments:
    Say there, yer really quite well built aren’t you?
    Have you seen my gerbil?
    Didn’t we see you at the Mapplethorp protest?
    What’s yer favorite Judy Garland song?
    Is it OK for two guys to sleep together on the first date?
    Care for a bite of my banana
    Is that a bullwhip in yer pants or are you just glad to see Mitch Landrieu?
    If you come to DC make sure you check out the new Home-O-Rama. It’s the first left turn after you pass the Potomac fairy (provided that Obama’s in town)

  2. Terrorists, Traitors, and Insurrectionists, all of which fall under the umbrella of Antifa, should be shot on sight. If the police are too chickenshit or under too tight a leash held by politicians who are just pandering to the crowd so they can get reelected, won’t do it, then ordinary citizens should.

    These assholes are most definitely NOT protesting, they are rioting and intentionally destroying and defacing public and private property, and attacking anyone who disagrees with them. Response to this type of situation should be swift, violent, and permanent.

  3. This reminds me of the idea of ‘picking up the wounded after a battle’, for a future fight, that is…

    The people that retrieved that monument and piece of art will tend to and take care of that statue/bust with extreme care and respect.

    And the assholes who pulled it down, pulled down a piece of ‘artwork’ done, I believe, by…a WOMAN sculptor.

    I worry about our great monuments very much and those minor memorials scattered about in our towns.

  4. The rioters have disdain for the statues and no concern –or ’empathy’– for their donors or creators, nor any appreciation of history or art.

    Where are the art preservationists? The historians? How about the evironmentalists concerned about dumping crap in the river?

    While I wait for them to speak up, I think I’ma establish Miss Annie’s Rest Home for Abused & Abandoned Statuary. All y’all can haul ’em to the field next to my barn for safekeeping. I’ma go work on establishing non-profit status now… Jennifer J Papineau and your colleagues : I hope I can count on you to support our fine cause with the fruits of your success.


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