Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About Sweden – IOTW Report

Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About Sweden

8 Comments on Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About Sweden

  1. “Politicians throwing they’re public to the wolves of Islam. Wonder if thats happening anyplace else.”

    Pfft! That would be crazy talk right there.

    No way sane people would let that happen! Ever.


  2. It has been going on for at least 10-13 years in Germany. The government ignores it hoping the people will suck it up.

    I visited (in an official capacity for my church) in Germany with pastors and church leaders who were either delusional, stupid (I met few stupid ones), or being ordered to not talk about the creeping “they and thems” their culture has a phobia about. It has come true because of weasels like Merkel.

    Germany is not Germany anymore. Few places do you go without running into 3rd world towelies and their ilk.

    There are more turkish “donar” stands (the chickpea delight) than men with half barrels with bratwursts on the streets.

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