Paul Pelosi ‘Violently Assaulted’ in Home Invasion – IOTW Report

Paul Pelosi ‘Violently Assaulted’ in Home Invasion


Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), was attacked in the family’s San Francisco home on Friday morning by an individual who broke in, according to the Speaker’s office. 

Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said in a statement on Friday that “early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi. The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation,” the statement noted. “Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery.”  more. h/t SNS

He was assaulted with a hammer, according to FOX NEWS. h/t Mrs.6pak

63 Comments on Paul Pelosi ‘Violently Assaulted’ in Home Invasion

  1. Did anyone verify Nancy’s alibi? Would not put anything past NP to pull a “Jesse S situation” on her husband.., Paul be damned, and break in to that house with hammers and then turn it all around to blame Maga people did it, the timing is so suspicious., sans midterms. Btw. It is possible that with her Sub Zero freezers stocked full of European gelato ice creams, that the peasants had had enough.

  2. …probably staged like Jan 6th.

    Look for a White Male MAGA hat wearing antiabortionist that was screaming about Nan-nan being next for his AR15 that fires 8 rounds a bullet at hypersonic speeds from the million round magazine with the deadly thing that flips up, but they’ll never FIND him but a lot of no-knock raids and secret imprisonments will be done while looking…

  3. Wall around the place, federal security,Security lights, and millions in the bank? And an “Intruder” breaks in and assaults Paul with a hammer? I detect the scent of bovine excrement.

  4. …this is actually reminicient of a DIFFERENT giant entitled Federal job for life liberal bitch who liked to free criminals on all of US, but THIS one actually got SOME come-uppence.

    …let me take you back to 2012 when the progenitor organization for ANTIFA and BLM had the primary responsiblity for attacking police, Occupy Wall Street. They did all things ANTIBLM does now, beating people, squatting on public and private land, overturning and shitting on police cars, and just generally engaging in miniriots on behalf of popular Democrat causes.

    As in many places, because it wasn’t the 2020s yet, the Cincinnati police tried to at LEAST enforce existing rules about who can and can’t be in the park, and maybe arrest some folks who were destroying public property, assaulting cops, and threatening the entire city.

    Enter Susan Dlott, Democrat Federal Judge for Life, and wife of the disbarred scum-sucking, breast cancer money stealing piece of shit former lawyer Stan Chessly, to stand in the way of any attempts at decency, in this case by ordering the police to stand down. This emboldend the protestors into plenty more violence and laid the groundwork for what we have now.

    “Bortz and his cohorts pointed out that the area around Piatt Park is a residential neighborhood, and that those residents have a legitimate interest in having the park clean and accessible. (As Bortz put it: “First Amendment rights don’t include defecating in the park.”)

    That Tuesday, Judge Susan Dlott issued a 28-hour temporary restraining order preventing the police from issuing any citations for one night, so that the city and the protesters could discuss a settlement. The two sides met at the main library but no agreement was reached”

    …fast-forwards a bit over MUCH more judicial misconduct and general freeing of garbage people because, Democrat, to the year 2015 when three such worthies found their way to the Casa Dlott where they rudely interrupted the bedtime meditations of Judge Cunt and her grifter slimeball – who apparently were SO arrogant they didn’t even have an ALARM on their MANSION – and proceeded to beat Mr. Breast Cancer Theif and throw him down some stairs and steal their stuff while she made a break for it.

    …of course the police hunted those PARICULAR guys down and buried them UNDER the jail with century-long sentences, but she still merrily frees people who do the EXACT SAME THING to peasants to this day.

    …all of this is to point out that their ARE flukes where karma, Divine Justice, call it what you will catches up to the despicalbe liberal twats who arrogantly believe that THEY are above the consequnces they inflict on others, so it’s not IMPOSSIBLE that this ACTUALLY happened to Drunky McNazishusband, but don’t expect any LESSONS to be learned. They will simply use it as an excuse to make US pay for better security for THEM, ring HER house with guys with guns they deny everyone ELSE, and somehow make it Donald Trump’s fault.

    But enjoy the karma while it lasts.

    Because short of taking a cue from our founders, there’s very little liklihood that these folks will get any of the OTHER punishment on Earth that they so richly deserve.

  5. …of course, it’s ALSO possible that his assailant is ACTUALLY the male prostitute that he (heh) “stiffed” the night he was pulled over for drunk driving that the cops let run away, but it’s not like they’d ever tell us THAT, now, WOULD they?

  6. “I highly doubt it was anyone from the right, seeing as how he’s expected to survive”

    That’s the residence of the third most powerful person in the United States. I will guarantee you there’s an electronic perimeter around that entire house. There’s no way someone should have gained entrance unless someone let it happen.

  7. No mention of assailant? Let’s see… doesn’t fit the lefts predisposed narrative so it must be one of their ‘oppressed’ lineup of victims of white supremacy. This could be an embarrassment so must be delayed until a better timeframe presents itself. No crisis should go to waste unless it proves to boomerang.

  8. MystaClean — I think you’re onto something. Occam’s Razor dictates only one good assumption in this case: the guy’s obviously into his cups. There is no other believable circumstance — primarily that the U.S. Speaker of the House has grossly inadequate security at her private residence. I don’t know whether this is true or not, but I’ve read that the Pelosi’s have perimeter cameras and there is a private security outfit hired by her neighborhood. I’ve also read that when asked, the private security said that the Pelosi’s have their own security people (and that whenever Pelosi travels from D.C., she brings the Capitol police unit assigned to her to S.F.). All to say: it seems unlikely anyone could simply break into their house undetected.

    …Unless Paul Pelosi, having finished off the last of that bottle, forgot to lock the doors and arm the alarm.

  9. Oh here we go. An update.

    “From @jamiegangel
    : The assailant who attacked Paul Pelosi was in search of the Speaker, according to a source briefed on the attack. The intruder confronted the Speaker’s husband in their San Francisco home shouting “Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?”

    It was a MAGA terrorist.

  10. A few years back Pelosi’s daughter Christine tweeted “Rand Paul’s neighbor was right” regarding Rand’s attack.

    Hey cunt, yes you, you filthy entitled cunt, how does it feel?

    Perhaps Rand should come out in support of your drunken dickhead father’s attacker?
    Chickens…coming home…

    You can’t make shit up about liberal assholes because they are always far more of an asshole than you can even imagine.

  11. Democrats are manufacturing crimes hoping voters will fall for their BS and vote for them. They ARE that desperate. SEE WHAT THOSE REPUBLICANS ARE DOING!
    Never forget, Democrats are always plotting and scheming.

  12. Prayers for Paul Pelosi. Oddly, I figured that Nancy would be the one getting hammered, as usual!

    On a side note, has the attacker been released on his own recognizance yet?

  13. Of course the attacker is from Berkley.
    Makes sense since he doesn’t know how to use hand tools.
    If you can’t kill a ruthless sack of shit, old rat-bastard with a hammer you are a worthless dog turd!

  14. Breaking News

    Paul Pelosi is making an excellent recovery. They have already upgraded his status from Critical to Fetterman

    And sometime this evening he’ll be upgraded to Bidenesque and be transferred to a basement

  15. Lovers quarrel, 2am, perp in his undies, was invited past all the security, Argument ensues, hammers grabbed. Who knows, maybe hammers part of the foreplay? WT actual F?

    I’m lucky if I can find a single hammer when I need one, but he’s a rich fuck so he probably has a hammer in every room cause he’s to big a commie pussy to have a gun.

    Perp well known in Berkley for nudity. Paul Piglousi is just a closet queer on Grindr and is just another satanic Demonrat pervert.

    Fags take all kinds of loopy drugs to be able to butt fuck each other. Remember Ahndrew Gillam, violence involved there to. It was a welfare check not a 911. Again wtf?

    like the DUI we will never be told the truth about this, but it in no way involves a Trump supporter or was inspired by MAGA. Just two fags in a fight. One just happens to be famous.

    He sure has weird shit going on but if I was married to that cunt I would be crazy also.

  16. Yup…as predicted, and in record time, the MSM is painting him as a Trump supporter, election denier, anti-vaxer, right wing conspiracy theorist. Just on the eve of election. What an amazing coincidence.

  17. The Hollywood scripted Jan 6 kabuki theater continues.

    Act 1: “Ooohh Nancy!” scripted line, echo in the Capitol, Jan 6.
    Act 2: Nasty Nance’s Jan 6 close up while in a shelter, threatening to assault President Trump.
    Act 3: Allowing her husband to be “victimized” by a leftist loon posing as a “right wing extremist”, shouting, “Where’s Nancy!”.

    Leftist playbook written all over this stupid attention grabbing shtick. Nasty Nance ain’t planning on graciously surrendering that gavel. It may come to ripping that gavel away from cold, politically dead hands.

  18. Staged crime drama starring “Don”na Nasty Nance. Everyone in Nasty Nance’s world is expendable. Especially, her set up, alcoholic, useless grifter husband.

  19. From what I read, and mentally disturbed crackhead with history of supporting communists is the one responsible. But give it few days, the democrats and their minions in the media would label him “ultra MAGA” and accuse everyone who is not a democrat puke of being violent.


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