Paul Ryan faces primary challenge from wealthy businessman ‘betrayed’ by House speaker – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan faces primary challenge from wealthy businessman ‘betrayed’ by House speaker

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WashingtonTimes: A wealthy businessman with tea party ties confirmed Sunday that he is mounting a primary challenge to House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, saying that after donating to the Wisconsin Republican’s past campaigns he feels “betrayed” by the speaker on trade deals and immigration.

The businessman, who is not yet revealing his identity, promised that his run will “shake up the establishment in a profound way,” according to a political consultant close to the prospective candidate.

The emergence of a viable Republican challenger in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District is the culmination of a months long recruitment effort by tea party activists who say they were double-crossed by Mr. Ryan when he passed a $2 trillion spending package late last year.

Eric Odom, a conservative activist and political consultant in Wisconsin, confirmed with “100 percent certainty” that a local business leader would be running to oust Mr. Ryan.


19 Comments on Paul Ryan faces primary challenge from wealthy businessman ‘betrayed’ by House speaker

  1. OT but a little humor you:

    The Special Rafael mixture of ButtHurt cream is designed to help alleviate puckering of the anus when Rafael Disciples/Cruz Davidians hear the truth. Blended with Delicious Beck Tears, shavings from the Armor of God and given special texturing with Rafael nose droppings. Buy some for your favorite Rafael fan today! Currently on back order since Day 1 of the CubanMistressCrisis.

  2. BFH, please don’t let people like 240 pull this site downward like they have most of the rest. I would also ask that if he were talking about Trump, by the way.

  3. Let’s hope that this businessman running against Ryan will help start the fire that has been smoldering to get the bastards out of office. Even embedded ticks can be dislodged.

  4. Puhleeze, grool – you have been one of the worst offenders on here with your 24/7 cruz cut and pastes. If you are looking for a “safe space” maybe you could hang out at a libtard university website.

  5. We’ve already discussed this grool. You’re one of those people who wouldn’t believe it even if it bit you on the @ss.

    Were you perhaps living on a different planet several weeks ago when it was flying around the internet? And I suppose Beck claiming that real Christians would not vote for Trump had any meaning for you? I guess Ted Cruz gets a pass on that because he has other people doing his dirty work so he can claim he had nothing to do with it, although he doesn’t denounce it.

  6. You claimed, twice, that POTUS CANDIDATES had questioned Trump’s faith. I had not heard that anywhere (I’m sure BFH would have reported it) so I asked who they are. You never gave any names and Beck isn’t a candidate.

    Which *candidates* questioned Trump’s Christianity? Names, or you are a liar.

  7. I’m betting we’re off on this businessman’s gender. Billionaire Diane Hendricks of Hendricks Holdings (which includes ABC Supply) is rumored to be unamused by Ryan’s failure to remember his Janesville days.

  8. Wow, if everyone that is disappointed with their congressman ran for office, the friggin ballot would be ttthhhhhiiiiiissss llllloooonnnggg. So if you gave Ryan money directly, it would be pay to play. If you gave it to him in a PAC, you’re just an idiot.

  9. I *love* that this businessman is
    remaining ANONYMOUS for the time being.

    Less so for the “suspense” and moreso for
    the thought of Ryan peeing in his pants.

    See Paul.
    See Paul pee.
    Pee, Paul, pee!

    Oh yes…it IS one of those
    precious, juvenile moments in life.

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