Paul Ryan: I Have No Disagreements With Trump – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan: I Have No Disagreements With Trump

House Speaker Paul Ryan appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” Wednesday and declared that he had no disagreements with Trump and that the two had a “great” relationship. 


13 Comments on Paul Ryan: I Have No Disagreements With Trump

  1. I understand Paul,
    The Vietcong and North Vietnamese had no personal disagreements with me or other US military Personnel. But, they did everything in their power to thwart & obstruct our efforts and to kill us.

    But Paul, you would’t fully understand, you’ve never put our Country or our citizens first.

    “Lyin’ Ryan” is an appropriate nickname.

  2. So now we have a unified Republican government, its really exciting. And so very soon after the race Donald and I said look, this is fantastic, we have so much to do, lets forget about any differences in the past, lets go get working on this agenda – thats exactly what we’ve been doing from that day on,” Ryan said.

    “The conversations we have always revolve around just getting things done. How we’re going to replace Obamacare. What tax reform looks like. How we’re going to secure the border. How we’re going to get people from welfare to work. What does rebuilding the military look like. These are the things we’re talking about, and now we’re just talking about, how do we execute it,” he said.

    What we want to do is bring relief immediately. We are going to work on our repeal legislation immediately. And then we have to make sure that there’s that good transition period, so that people don’t have the rug pulled out from under them, and we can bring relief as quickly as possible,” Ryan said.

    That was last December, spoken to Hannity. Ryan sounded just like that last night, again on Hannity’s show. You’ll forgive me if I do not believe a word out of Ryan’s lying GOPe-hole.

  3. Ahhhh … “If I say a thing that I know is not perfect Truth, it is a flat perjury.”

    Mr. Ryan: you are a liar, a thief, and a traitor.
    In a just world, you would be hanged (after a fortnight of … uhh … discomfort).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Ryan has more faces than Mt. Rushmore. I had high hopes for him when he became speaker of the house but he turned out to be as slimy as the rest of the RINO’s.
    The tide has turned Mr. Ryan, we the electorate are electing more true conservatives to both houses of congress and your backstabbing days are numbered. If we can’t drain the swamp we can fill it with representatives that actually do what they were elected to do. It will take time, but it will happen, hopefully while I’m still alive.

  5. You can always tell Swamp dwellers by the waterproof slime they are covered with. He may have no problems with President Trump, he just tries to block, impede, delay, or disrupt any parts of his agenda as possible.

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