paul ryan

Big Government-

In an extensive interview with a reporter from The Washington Post, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan revealed that he is not ready to close the door on a run for president in 2016.

Ryan was insistent that he could still launch a run for the White House and even criticized those who seem to already be all but announced, characterizing their efforts as unseemly.

As others are already testing the political waters for a run at the White House, Ryan says that he feels no need to make any moves this early. He feels that it is unseemly to make any moves until the 2014 midterm elections are over.

Ryan said he feels he already has enough name recognition, so he doesn’t see any reason to be out there early to build a following.



  1. He may not have closed the door, but I closed it on him with his immigration views. He fooled me in ’12, but now he’s a goner with me.
    However few, I do have some standards.

  2. Paul Ryan along with Scott Walker and RNC chairman Reince Prebius, all of the great state of Wisconsin, are amnesty pushing globalist. He may be pledging to stop Obama’s executive ordered Amnesty now, but my thought is so the RINOs can do it themselves, for their new base. The gang of 8 has come out to say Obama shouldn’t do it himself. They are suggesting we control our border first. HA! Like that will happen under any of them. MASS DEPORTATIONS OF ALL ILLEGAL INVADERS ON OUR SOIL. We need jobs for Americans not foreign nationals or newly amnestied citizens.
    Not to mention Ryan’s last budget proposal was in line with Patty Murry’s idea of a budget. No reduction in the deficit. NO WAY I vote for this guy. I suppose he will drag out his half naked photos of the last campaign to make the ladies swoon.
    Where is our Reagan?
    Have you heard about Dennis Michael Lynch? Listen to this guy! He has thrown his hat in the ring. He is ready to lead on this issue!

  3. Doesn’t matter who the RINO’s run. If Hillary shows up, the voting machine will declare her the winner.

    It’d not who votes, it’s who counts the votes. And baby, that little thing is in the bag.

  4. I used to think that going third party was the wrong way to do this, but more and more, I like the idea of the GOP coming to us and kissing “our” ring for a line on the ballot.
    Just like the blacks are beginning to realize that the Dems have no interest in solving their problems (the Latinos are a bigger ethnic group and haven’t yet caught on), I think we have to realize that the GOP looks at us in the same way….(they think) where else would we go? We’re not libertarians (by and large) so we’re a grumbling but reliable vote.
    After this election, I think we need to formally declare our separation and let them woo us for the 2016 ticket.
    After all, we can always run someone who could siphon off enough votes to make ignoring us perilous to their elective health.
    I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but it is doable–in all 50 States (57 if you’re B. Hussein Obongo).

  5. For badbrad-

    Any conservative who insists on writing in a candidate, or voting for a 3rd party candidate, or not voting at all because “their guy” didn’t get nominated, or because they don’t like the guy who did, is certifiably insane.

    That is because you are doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.

    Any republican is better than any democrat. They can nominate Romney again, or Mitch McConnel, or John Boehner. I do not care one bit WHO is nominated.

    This is war.

    The leftists pick an electable candidate. Any breathing democrat who they think can steal enough votes to get elected will get the nomination.

    They will then talk that person up. They will not EVER say one single solitary thing bad about that nominee. They will say that nominees poop does not stink.

    They will then proceed to VOTE for that nominee at LEAST once and also drag everyone they can to the polls to vote for the nominee.

    Why? Because they actually understand that this is a war.
    The stupid conservatives are the ones who DONT understand that fact.

    If you are in a war and don’t understand that you ARE in a war you are going to LOSE every time.

    Vote for who you want to in the primary. DONATE to your favorite guy. PRAY that a good candidate gets nominated.

    BUT – once the primaries are over and there is a LEFTIST candidate and a NON-LEFTIST candidate – You only have two choices, and you had BETTER vote for the non-leftist.

    Otherwise you are a sucker, a fool, and a drooling moron.
    The drooling morons who DID NOT go and vote for Romney just because he had a few things about him they didn’t like handed this country over to 0bama for 4 more years.

    I HOPE those same people are not that stupid again.

  6. Let me get this straight – back in the day the Russians had a choice of Kerensky or Lenin – each representing a different form of socialism.

    Menshevik or Bolshevik? That’s a fucking choice?

    Republican or Demonrat := Menshevik or Bolshevik.

    Once you realize you’re at war, the election is fixed, and both sides are playing the middle, what’s the fucking point?

    They are all playing the same game: continue the grow the debt, collapse the economy, fix the elections, pretend that $250 Trillion in unfunded liabilities is a chimera, pretend that Socialist Security isn’t a Ponzi scheme, pretend that Medicare is sustainable, pretend that all these socialist schemes are sustainable, keep feeding the dummies shit and keeping them in the dark til they discover their money’s no good, hyper-inflation has set in, and the Chinks are knocking at the door!

    America needs to Wake the Fuck Up!

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