Paul Ryan Poses for Photo With Man Wearing Obscene Anti-AHCA Shirt – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Poses for Photo With Man Wearing Obscene Anti-AHCA Shirt

Is it just me, or does the guy in the pic look like a fool?

I mean, the one on the right.


9 Comments on Paul Ryan Poses for Photo With Man Wearing Obscene Anti-AHCA Shirt

  1. My screen name gives you all a good idea about my opinion of Paul Ryan’s loyalty. That being said, he could have been punked by this punk. Can we please make this Guy dog catcher in Beloit, Wisconsin or something like that???

  2. Rule of thumb for reducing PR nightmares: avoid anyone in a zipped up hoodie who seems just a little too eager to have their picture taken with you.

  3. And I know I’m giving Ryan the benefit of a doubt by assuming he didn’t see the shirt at the time the picture was taken. I just have this thing about not wanting to believe our great nation is led by morons.

  4. @TN Tuxedo
    Not wanting to believe our nation is led by morons can be quickly dashed by sitting in the peanut gallery in the House or Senate.
    However, you will leave feeling mentally superior.

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