Paul Ryan Sides with Hillary: Shelves Bill to Deregulate Suppressors – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Sides with Hillary: Shelves Bill to Deregulate Suppressors

According to the Tribune, Ryan said of the legislation “is not scheduled right now. I don’t know when it will be scheduled.”


Breitbart: Two days after an attacker opened fire on concert goers in Las Vegas, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc) announced he was shelving legislation to deregulate suppressors.

Clinton’s tweet ignores the reality of the tactical superiority of the attacker’s position–he was on the 32nd floor shooting down on people who were trapped in a concert venue. To escape they had to funnel through exit areas, which further highlighted the attacker’s superior position. Yet Clinton thinks it would have been worse if his gun had had a “silencer”–i.e., a suppressor–on it.

Ryan has now shelved the Hearing Protection Act, which was introduced into Congress on January 9; it is the legislation containing suppressor deregulation. The Act does not legalize suppressors–as they are already legal–rather, it removes the burdensome process for acquiring them and erases the federal tax that must be paid in order to receive permission to posses one.  more

29 Comments on Paul Ryan Sides with Hillary: Shelves Bill to Deregulate Suppressors

  1. Brave Sir Ryan ran away.
    Bravely ran away away.
    When danger reared it’s ugly head,
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.
    Yes, brave Sir Ryan turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.
    Swiftly taking to his feet,
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the brave, Sir Ryan!

  2. I didn’t think it was possible to detest anyone as much as I detested oblowme. Ryan still thinks that he, somehow, was elected president. He even has his own agenda, “The Better Way.” He’s got to go!

  3. He doesn’t seem to learn not to run his mouth at every news story. Such a gutless little POS. I’d love to see him ousted but it’s a shame nobody up there is willing to do the job. They all suck.

  4. Put a PAC together now and start the ads that dirty him up, show he’s a two faced liberal, just strip him apart like a lobster. No lies, just the truth. Mention the qualities of a successor like honesty, courage, intelligence, love for the country, care for the people, a belief that if you work hard enough you will succeed. Don’t mention a name, just build the candidate to oppose Ryan in a nomination fight. Start now and by Christmas most of the party will be voting for a nomination contest and strong candidates will be coming forward to be vetted and Ryan (and maybe a few others) will be checking the want-ads.

  5. Trump is a man without a party — Thank God! But he has the will of the people.

    Both parties are worthless, spineless and totally without any values whatsoever.

  6. I sure wish Trump would put a match under Sessions ass. Charges leveled against some of these criminals would go a long way toward giving the base some hope in all this mess.

  7. Sorry if anyone has asked or answered this, I’ve been busy. A cop said on the radio the fire was coming from the 32 floor and he could see muzzle flashes. Question; why didn’t the cops, swat or snipers fire on those windows? I assume they now all have AR15’s or something like it.

  8. a non a moose — Excellent question. I wondered that, too, but then I forgot that I wondered. LEO are always touting how equipped they are, so they should have had a sniper fitted with night vision, etc. I understand Paddock was sitting on a ‘stand’, but he’d still have to have been close to the windows.

    Another question: No one outside the Mandalay noticed the falling glass? There were a lot of people just milling around at the ground floor. I saw a taxi driver’s video in which he was aware of shots fired. He cruised through the Mandalay entrance and you could hear the steady sound of shots but no one was paying any attention to them, and they were right overhead. He tried to shout to the people standing around the entrance to take cover, but gave up. As he started to drive away he trained his camera on the building and realized they were coming from the Mandalay. I was surprised he didn’t call it in, but maybe it already had been. You’d think someone would have noticed that amount of falling glass. I don’t know.

  9. FYI.

    Current backlog of paperwork for you to buy a silencer (yes, that is the actual legal term ATF uses) is right at 12 months. Doesn’t matter if you already have one, had the background and fingerprints check this application will require done 2 moths ago, every applications stands alone.

    You pay a $200 ‘tax’ for each item/application. They cash that check in about 10 days. Right now, you’ll wait a year to take possession of your purchase you’ve had to pay for up front.

    Now, I’ma bout to rant a bit.

    People talk whole shitloads about NFA (National Firearms Act)items (machine guns, silencers, short barrelled rifles, etc.) that they know nothing about. They’ll tell you what is legal, what is not, that silencers make your weapon inaccurate, that movies are a good/bad reality of certain weapons.

    Shit makes me sick. It’s like listening to the know nothing talking heads on the network news discussing ballistics from this latest horror in Vegas. Or virgins having an earnest discussion about intercourse.

    I don’t discuss sports because I know fuckall about ’em. Seems like everybody can opine about weapons.

    Then again, I try to remember something I was told last century. “The idiots will tell you who they are, just listen.”

  10. RINO globalists share the same wet dream of a global government as the globalist left, controlled by the likes of them, of course.
    Everyone that wants to be Caesar deserves to be Caesar’d.

  11. The dumb a$$ bint . . . .
    Both of the sorry @$#*%^$

    “Imagine the deaths….”
    What???….. If he’d
    have driven a semi,
    loaded with fertilizer,
    through the barricades,
    into the crowd,
    then detonated it ???….

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