Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton ‘Two Faced,’ ‘Liar,’ ‘Cares Nothing About Women at All’ – IOTW Report

Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton ‘Two Faced,’ ‘Liar,’ ‘Cares Nothing About Women at All’

Hillary witch hat pg


During a radio interview on Sunday, Paula Jones, the former Arkansas state employee who notoriously sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, demanded Hillary Clinton personally apologize for “allowing” her husband to “abuse” and “sexually harass” women.

Speaking to weekend talk radio host Aaron Klein, Jones slammed Hillary as a “two-faced” “liar” who waged a war on women by trying to discredit “predator” Bill’s sexual accusers.

“And how dare her. You know what? She don’t care nothing about women. Because if she did she would believe what I had to say. She would believe what the other women had to say. ”

Jones further accused the media of practicing a double standard by  “protecting” the Clintons while deservedly scrutinizing Bill Cosby’s alleged sexual assaults.



6 Comments on Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton ‘Two Faced,’ ‘Liar,’ ‘Cares Nothing About Women at All’

  1. hillary covered up the criminality of her husband, vilified the victims, deflected the truth by claiming a right wing conspiracy and became bill’s enabler. hillary is just as much a lawless pervert as her husband, bill.

  2. “Because if she did she would believe what I had to say. She would believe what the other women had to say. ”

    She does believe them. She doesn’t care.

    Truth is just an inconvenient bug she has to squash.

  3. isn’t bill clinton just as guilty of enabling hillary to “abuse and sexually harass women” as hillary has done for bill????

    I think it’s their whole dynamic together. serial abusers.

    “democrat presidential front-runner hillary clinton was challenged at a New Hampshire town hall Sunday on sexual assault allegations made by Juanita Broaddrick against the candidate’s husband bill. Instead of answering, clinton called the questioner “very rude” and said she wouldn’t answer any of her questions.”

  4. I had been hoping to hear from the multitude of women Bill Clinton abused during this campaign season.

    It’s good to hear from Paula. Maybe her press will encourage Kathleen, Juanita, and others to come forward? I would love to see them all speaking up throughout the year until November 8.

    Anything that cause Hillary discomfort causes me indescribable joy.

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