PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller FIRED Following Project Veritas #ExposePBS Investigation – IOTW Report

PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller FIRED Following Project Veritas #ExposePBS Investigation

Watch the video at BizPatriot.com

16 Comments on PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller FIRED Following Project Veritas #ExposePBS Investigation

  1. That’s unusual, they usually get promoted and moved to another division. Too bad he didn’t get sent into jail for a while, he’d be well liked in the General Population. /S

  2. Looking forward to his arrogant non-apology.

    If Jeopardy wanted to improve the show post-Trebek, they should have real contestants that take money from each other. As a “fucking dumb” deplorable I guarantee I would put this dork in a bread line.

  3. Funny how when it’s pro Biden supporter the talk is just “opinion”. But when Republican’s have an opinion we should be charged and jailed. Defund PBS. The “stupid people” talked about in the video make up a large part of the tax paying population. I ,personally, find it hard to believe that this is the only time this view has been shared both personally of professionally.

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