PBS Promotes Obama’s Claim Economy Is Improved ‘By Every Economic Measure’; Lou Dobbs Proves Otherwise – IOTW Report

PBS Promotes Obama’s Claim Economy Is Improved ‘By Every Economic Measure’; Lou Dobbs Proves Otherwise

Following President Obama’s speech on the economy on Thursday, the PBS NewsHour offered a 48-second news brief on the subject, in which co-anchor Gwen Ifill offered no opposing viewpoint to the President’s claim in his speech that “by every measure, the country is better off than when he took office.”

Dobbs begs to differ-

See the video HERE

just the tip

12 Comments on PBS Promotes Obama’s Claim Economy Is Improved ‘By Every Economic Measure’; Lou Dobbs Proves Otherwise

  1. I listen to All Blues on KPLU from 18:00 – midnight every Saturday and Sunday if I am home. They are having a fund raiser right now.

    No I do not and will not donate to public broadcasting. The tuners are still tuned to KPLU when I wake up Sunday and Monday mornings and the outright horse crap that they are passing off as news is even more disgusting than the monotone droning of their progtard voice.

    I absolutely refuse to pay to perpetuate that and if that means that All Blues ceases to exist, that is the price that I am willing to pay.

    By the way, All Blues is live streamed and is available world wide. I put an expensive antenna on my home years ago just for this one program. Every once in a while the program is a little disappointing, but for the most part it is well worth listening to.

  2. Good grief … I was driving into work today when the unemployment numbers were released at 8:30 a.m. Just as I though, nothing to see and hear but campaign propaganda. I’m sure you’ve all noticed that gasoline prices are going down too. Some of it is due to the winter blends now being used, which costs less to refine. But still, those lower blend costs would only amount to a few cents a gallon, not 40 to 60 cents per gallon like we’re seeing.

    As my friend liked to say “don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining”.

  3. Oh, as an additional item, this is what we saw leading up the 2012 presidential election. Good news here, good news there – just the kind of stuff that the major news orgs will jump on and promote highly for our president so the “sheeple” will be reassured our country is doing fine.

    There is a reason why Jack Welch (fmr. CEO of GE) claimed that the administration was “cooking the books” – because if enough analysis is done, the real numbers don’t line up with what they’re announcing and showing.

  4. JDH
    I’ll see your 2 nights a week and raise you 5 n/w for jazz standards – it’s the only thing to slow down my brain.

    EVERY morning I wake to that horshit you talked about followed immediately to AM sports radio to clear my head

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