‘Peaceful’ CHAZ/CHOP protesters pull guns on Uber driver waiting near zone: ‘Stuck them to my f***ing head’ – IOTW Report

‘Peaceful’ CHAZ/CHOP protesters pull guns on Uber driver waiting near zone: ‘Stuck them to my f***ing head’

Reporting from the area formerly known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle, BlazeTV’s Elijah Schaffer, host of “Slightly Offens*ve”, spoke with a local Uber driver whose story paints a very different picture about the so called “peaceful protest” than we’re hearing from the mainstream media and leftist politicians.

“I pulled up, I had a request up in the war-zone [CHAZ/CHOP],” the driver said. “There’s two kids smoking a joint … and they said you can’t wait here. And I said, ‘I’m Uber, I’m going to wait here.’ And I said, ‘This is America, I’ll go where I want.’ And they both pulled out guns and stuck them to my f***ing head.”

The Uber driver described the confrontation taking a “personal” turn when protesters mocked him for being an “old white guy” and demanded he “get the f*** out of here.”

“I’m all about protests, but not about rioting and all this stuff,” he added.

Watch the video for more details: 
(Content warning: Strong language)

SNIP: If the video link doesn’t work for you, click the date line or go here.

47 Comments on ‘Peaceful’ CHAZ/CHOP protesters pull guns on Uber driver waiting near zone: ‘Stuck them to my f***ing head’

  1. CHAZ/CAPO? I call it CATO. Communist Assholes Take Over.

    How is America tolerating a take over of any portion of America by a foreign country?

    Would we react any differently had Russian or Chinese paratroops done so? What the hell is the difference? The damn capitulation of congress, local government and asshole corporations!

  2. Maybe because old white guys don’t pull guns they don’t intend to use, is one reason there are “old” white guys. That is something these folks might learn if they decide to come back to …America.

  3. Gov’t approved terrorists.

    It’s why you need to move to a small white town.

    It’s like the stock mkt. Everyone knows something isn’t quite right but nothing happens and then it starts to build until there is an avalanche of selling.

    Something is not right in large cities with diversity but nothing is happening just yet in the real estate mkt, but there’s rumblings and it will build to an avalanche of people wanting to get the hell out of Blodge.

  4. That should have been a defensive gun use.

    Those two stoner gunmen credibly and immediately threatened the driver’s life: they pointed their guns at his head. That justifies the use of deadly force in self defense.

  5. Well…

    1) Don’t park next to people doing drugs, in or out of Seattle. People doing drugs generally don’t want you WATCHING them doing drugs. That was just stupid.

    2) Why would you ACCEPT a call in “the war zone”? By definition, you’re driving into Lord of the Flies territory, with completely arbitrary laws and NO rights at ALL, especially for “old, White guys” like YOU.

    3) “I’m all about protests, but not about rioting and all this stuff,” which is a COMPLETELY stupid thing to say because they’re NOT separable in this climate, ESPECIALLY in Durkinastan. CHAZ is a 24/7 riot, and not-stupid people don’t GO to riots unless they, THEMSELVES, are prepared to fight, maybe for their LIVES. Also, why do you support people who HATE you? BLM wants you dead for your Whiteness, and Antifa wants you dead for your age. Seems like you REALLY shouldn’t be offering them rides…

    4) Were I to point a gun at someone and NOT shoot them, even though I have a CCW, I would swiftly and surely go to jail for brandishing. Open carry state or NOT, pretty sure that’s still illegal in WA, too. I note you report no police response, and I’m guessing it’s gonna STAY that way. Another good sign you taking fares there is stupid on YOUR part.

    5) Were it I, well, first I don’t GO to riots ESPECIALLY if I know where they ARE, but were someone, ANYONE, for ANY reason to put a gun to my head, ONE of us isn’t going to survive the encounter because I’m going to respond to this threat of deadly force WITH deadly force, with car, gun, or BOTH as the situation demands. SOMEONE’S not leaving the scene under their own power, so we’re gonna find out pretty QUICK if those potheads are carrying Condition 0 or not, ’cause they’re gonna DIE if they’re NOT. I lived through riots in 2001 where they were pulling White people out of cars and beating them, and I personally ain’t HAVING it.

    …I find it really hard to understand Seattlians, I’m told the weather isn’t really even that nice, so why does ANYONE put UP with this? Seems like the Mayor’s told you ONLY Black Lives Matter and even pulled the Police to PROVE it, so if you’re NOT Black and/or an idiot, why are you still THERE?

    …anyway, old White man, best advice I can give you is don’t take fares in a war zone to help out the soy boys. If you’re gonna ignore that simple bit of common sense, don’t expect the REST of us to weep for you later when it very predictably goes sideways on you…

  6. Whitey White
    JUNE 16, 2020 AT 9:44 AM
    “Gov’t approved terrorists.

    It’s why you need to move to a small white town.”

    …yes, and many Democrats DO, dragging their politics behind them. Then they turn IT blue, and now you’ve got guns to your head in a different place.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    ….at some point it becomes impossible to run from. When we finally turn at bay, it will likely be too late…

  7. Didn’t Seattle have a history of tossing people in jail for “brandishing” a gun? Oh yeah, that was just people who were defending themselves from “liberals” on the attack.

  8. At some point these chocolate soldiers will actually shoot some unarmed people and Boeing and Microsoft will threaten to get up and leave unless the guard is sent in. The Governor will bow down and accede to the demands and after the Guard shows them what a real fight is like and after all the CHAZ militia shit their pants a few times this whole insult to democracy will be over. Having said that, it sure would be fun to watch Boeing pull out and head to South Carolina (I think it’s South Carolina) where it’s second biggest assembly plant is located. Clear right out of Washington State. That would send a message to California, New York et al.

  9. Reminds me of the Symbionese Liberation Army back in the 1970s. Really dumb white colored people led around by a really dumb black colored man calling himself Cinque. Lots of guns in the hands of stupid, under equipped and untrained radicals looking for lots of trouble by provoking the racist police department. They got the Revolution they were looking for in Compton, when the LA Police Department showed up with a 500 man Swat Team. After 1,200 rounds were fired into their hideout, none of the SLA members in the house were left alive to bring on the class war. I do believe we’re going to see a replay of this radical nonsense shortly. Please try not to enjoy the massacre too much.

  10. Although I’m all for a show of force to shut this crap down, I don’t think we’ll see it. There’s no one in charge in these cities with enough balls (or any balls) to get it done.

  11. Interesting how the lefties DARED to try to prevent lawful guardians of communities form defending their neighborhoods from the violent anarchists that tried to enter and desecrate but they are all terrified and cowering in fear now at the violent threats of their little sanctuary for thug autonomous zone. Get in there and make it sizzle a bit. Got some big trucks and other things that are in the waiting to move on in. Get on it!

  12. ^^^^
    Seattle pussies aren’t up to it. They’d rather let the “peaceful protest” evolve on its own and whatever happens, happens. In the meantime, they’re hiring private security in droves to “protect them” from the peaceful protesters. Does the governor even know Chaz exists yet?

  13. This is not limited to the individuals pointing the illegally transferred guns. Yes they were illegally transferred under WA State law, no background check or semi-auto class validated prior to transfer. That much is on video.

    Conspiracy to commit a hate crime. “The Uber driver described the confrontation taking a “personal” turn when protesters mocked him for being an “old white guy” and demanded he “get the f*** out of here.”” The assault was predicated on both age and race. This is ageism and racism plain and simple. There is also a pattern of behavior here that has been directed top down.

    Hate Crime falls under federal purview of the USDOJ and every citizen has every right to expect that justice be vigorously pursued.

    Irrespective of the claims of the Soymolians, we are talking about territory the United States claims jurisdiction over. There is precedent to citizens taking the law into their own hands, in the old west when the federal, State or local govt was not able to provide law enforcement the citizens had a RIGHT to

  14. Fox News Radio…FOX NEWS radio… just referred to Chaz as the “Seattle Protest Zone”, and described it as “mostly peaceful “, and having a “festival atmosphere”. I shit you not. Damn, we have an uphill battle.

  15. JDHasty JUNE 16, 2020 AT 12:23 PM

    Thanks for that @JD, you win today’s Internet.

    …as for the hate crime thing, they NEVER prosecute them the OTHER way, it’s a tool designed for use against Whites and NO ONE ELSE.

    …besides, if they TRIED, those poor abused minorities would simply turn it back on their accuser and claim he threw N-home at THEM. Because there’s TWO of THEM, everyone KNOWS POC’s who support Democrats don’t LIE, and it’s racist to even ASK if they’re lying, the ONLY person that would go down for a HATE crime would be the DRIVER…

    Which brings us back to how STUPID he is to go there in the FIRST place.

    They do NOT like you, Mr. White Uberman.

    They have NO laws.

    You, YOURSELF, called it a WAR ZONE.

    …why the HELL would you EVER think this would end ANY way but badly in the FIRST place…

  16. Using a gun for self defense when LE can’t protect you is a whole new deal with lots of leeway. The rules change significantly. And they’re doing a real good job of keeping that fact quite.
    They shipped in the John Brown Gun Club for protection. Pffft. We need a couple guys that are a under a second out of the holster, dressed just like the scum, carrying concealed, to do some infestation control. Then just blend in. LE ain’t coming.

  17. Update. They changed the video in my link. I spotted this around 2:00 AM and it clearly showed the Militia guy back pedaling with 4 to 6 people in pursuit. He was thrown to the ground and that’s when the shots were fired. It is cut and dried. I hope they didn’t destroy that footage.

  18. @ Bad_Brad JUNE 16, 2020 AT 2:24 PM

    “A protester was shot at Tiguex Park Monday evening during a demonstration that was calling for the removal of a Juan de Oñate statue, “La Jornada,” outside the Albuquerque Museum.”

    That’s not what I saw. I saw a violent mob threaten to kill a man who appeared to be leaving the scene of the riot.

    The man being attacked by the mob was pulled to the ground and then the rioter who was shot began striking the man on the ground with a skateboard.

  19. The old video that was on my link clearly showed that. The fix is in. There was a guy wearing a black ninja suit off to the shooters left that was grabbing for his gun, several people in direct line of the camera. Well, now I know why my e mail recipients didn’t respond to the great video I found. Like I say, I hope that video exists someplace. It’s a get out of jail free card for the shooter.

  20. JDHasty

    AR? Or M-16? The State Department was investigating ANTIFA for purchasing select fire weapons from Mex Cartels last summer. There’s been several unconfirmed reports those weapons are there. Take a look at that gun the first kids playing with.

  21. @scr_north June 16, 2020 at 10:37 am

    > Clear right out of Washington State. That would send a message to California, New York et al.

    Moving the bestest and brightest that chose to accept millions in bribes (against all the other millions in bribes), to force their drones to work there, will cause a change.

    I’m not calling it good change. But it will be change.

  22. joe6pak
    That video was originally attached to what I sent last night. If you viewed it after they swapped it I imagine you were thinking old Brad slipped his disco once again. LOL. The Bastards.

  23. Of course, joe6pak their national animal is the Unicorn. Plus, they need to change it to ‘CHOP’ and read up on flag etiquette.

    “Hey! Who in charge of flag edicut, huh?”

    “Whatcha yo mouth! Wha you mean, edicut?”

    “You know, hows yu sposed to put the flag up and all.”

    “Yu so smart, spell it!”

    “e-d-i-c-u-t. edicut”

    “Man, yu fulla bulllllsheeet. Never heard of it.”

    (Infiltrator) “Of course you haven’t.”

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