Pearl Harbor Remembered – IOTW Report

Pearl Harbor Remembered

November 8, 1941, New York, New York, USA --- These headlines were from a New York newspaper telling of the start of the American-Japanese war, December 7, 1941. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

17 Comments on Pearl Harbor Remembered

  1. Always remember!
    Today however, with 27,394 deadly muzloid attacks, and an even larger pile of dead bodies in the name of islam since 9/11, and we’re saddled with a spineless, lying, thoroughly corrupt, incompetent, vactioning, golfing, partying, spending, vindictive, arugula-eating, bottled-water-drinking, self-absorbed, disingenuous, Politically Correct, Gay obsessed, whining, finger-pointing, divisive, Bush-blaming, healthcare-destroying, economy-wrecking, America-hating, limp-dick, Jihad-coddling, phoney-baloney plastic banana Communist-Organizing Manchurian Doorknob who won’t even use the term Islamic Terrorism! Things sure are different!
    Looking back on it, at least the Japanese had the balls to target a military base! The islamonazis on the other hand routinely, deliberately and indiscriminately target innocent women, children and civilians, or use them as human shields! They are nothing more than a dead branch on the tree of Human development. It’s only a matter of time, dedication and hard work on our part to make it fall off!

  2. Just think about it. Japan has been so affected by the American response to their attack on Pearl, that 70+ years later, that once great empire has been reduced to marathon drinking sessions (anyone whose been to Japan would know), no interest in sex and a refusal to procreate–essentially killing off its own population–creating robots in order to have sex and human and animal affection, they’ve immersed themselves in vapid, bizarre subcultures, and have one of the highest suicide rates in the world.

    We bombed the snot outta them and totally f-upped their psyche. That’s what used to happen when you messed with the American military.

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