Pediatricians: ‘After 40 Years of Comprehensive Sex Ed in Schools, Why Are STDs at Epidemic Levels?’ – IOTW Report

Pediatricians: ‘After 40 Years of Comprehensive Sex Ed in Schools, Why Are STDs at Epidemic Levels?’


A national organization of child and adolescent health professionals says comprehensive sex ed (CSE) programs offered in America’s schools have not been effective at increasing long-term sexual abstinence in young people or long-term condom and contraceptive use in sexually active teens.

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), a national nonsectarian organization of child and adolescent physicians and health professionals, observes most CSE curricula operate on the premise that sexual activity for teens is normal and acceptable.

The group notes:

[I]n 1988, Debra Haffner, then-executive director of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), wrote in their Report that teens should “explore the full range of safe sexual behavior” and suggested that “a partial list of safe sex practices for teens could include talking, flirting, dancing, hugging, necking, massaging, caressing, undressing each other, masturbation alone, masturbation in front of a partner, and mutual masturbation.”


19 Comments on Pediatricians: ‘After 40 Years of Comprehensive Sex Ed in Schools, Why Are STDs at Epidemic Levels?’

  1. “After 40 Years of Comprehensive Sex Ed in Schools, Why Are STDs at Epidemic Levels?”

    Maybe because pediatricians, teachers and the CDC are more concerned with the guns in the house than the itch in the pants? Just spit-balling here.

  2. You mean the rates of infection were much lower when we called them “Venereal Diseases” and taught that sex was meant for married couples (one man & one woman)?

    Look up the rate of VD for sodomites, it’s over 90%!

    Who knew indiscriminate fucking could lead to such undesirable results?

    E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. with a brain and a conscience, that’s who!

  3. When I was in the first grade in 1955, the firemen came to the school and lectured us on fire safety. Sounded like a good idea so I organized a fire department and promptly burned down several acres of woods. I remembered the number to call.

    My kids knew nothing of drugs till the cops came to the school in the DARE program and taught them everything they needed to know and how great drugs are, at least that was the message they got.

    Maybe these programs don’t work.

  4. Could it be you’ve taught them to explore and consider things without letting them come to their own conclusions in due time as they mature on their own. Just my poor uncollege edumacated self thinking.

  5. A simple breakdown of STD infection rates by race shows that, similar to murder and armed robbery stats, if you get rid of blacks, everything falls into a reasonable range of infection rates for everyone else, except for native Americans and Hawaiians.

    The ugly reality of our society is that the savages are not that noble. Too many of them are morally depraved, and no one is allowed to talk about it.

    National STD Rates by Race:

  6. So previously the whispered wisdom in health care was that heart disease and diabetes among African Americans was going to be a given due to the dietary traditions, ergo complications were simply dismissed as being a “cultural thing”. The dismissive attitude was that you could never change anything about the culture.

    So looks like we can add STDs if we are going to continue with the soft bigotry of lowered expectations.

    However if Trump were to address this, create a demographic-targeted health care initiative, the cries of racism would go up a few decibels.

  7. Parents today: “I know that you will eventually play in the streets, no matter what I say or how dangerous it looks, so here is a full set of football pads for you to wear whenever you think you might be going out to play in the street. Make sure you have them with you even if you don’t think you will be playing in the street that day, because you never know when you might stumble across a pick-up game.”

    Parents back in the day: “If you play in the street you better hope a car takes you out because I definitely will. And you don’t want to find out how bad I’ll mess you up”.

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