Pedo Hunters Are Starting To Grow In Popularity – IOTW Report

16 Comments on Pedo Hunters Are Starting To Grow In Popularity

  1. “The Daily Caller is withholding images and identification of some alleged predators, including Marty’s video, because some appearing in this story have neither been charged nor convicted of a crime.”

    EXACTLY why this must continue.

  2. I actually subscribe to Dads Against Predators on Locals. They started in my neck of the woods. Love watching them bitch-slap these pedo monsters. It’s a great binge watch.

  3. No one is going to correct them. The recidivism is thru the roof! That kind of evil is forever! If society won’t control them then civilians will inevitably give ’em a Buck Jones ass kicking and maybe a few Aldo Raines will carve “MAP” into their foreheads (since they’re evidently so proud of it!) Hey… people need to know!

  4. “Though the hunters referred Marty’s case to detectives, police in Indiana did not file charges.”

    They’ll eventually just make these pervs disappear. Justice will never be served otherwise.

  5. When government doesn’t make a good faith effort to keep up their end of the deal they lose moral legitimacy on holding a monopoly of dispensing justice. In this case the government is chock a block full of pedophiles and child groomers and it’s obvious where their sympathies lie.

  6. Part of the purpose of the justice system is to protect the criminals from the public. Maybe not so much as the commies do but some. Pedophiles deserve no protection from vengeful parents, a millstone around their necks and into the sea with each and every one of them.

  7. pedos are what volcanoes were created for.
    Please don’t litter the oceans & seas with pedos.
    Sea Creatures don’t deserve this kind of disrespect.
    🦦 🦈 🐬 🐳 🐟 🐠 🐡 🦐 🦑 🐙 🦞 🦀


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