Pedo-stan – IOTW Report


Apparently a third of Pakistani men don’t have a problem with having sex with boys.

I’m confused, I thought Muslims hung homosexuals from construction cranes.

Read the story here




23 Comments on Pedo-stan

  1. @bitterclinger

    At least WHEN it comes to our neighborhoods, we’ll get the damn job done. The same can’t be said for our inept administration who panders to this disgusting, third-world filth. If I were president, I’d give a shoot-on-sight order. None of this typical fire clearance bullsh*t. ISIS is a friggin’ disease that needs to be eradicated from the earth. There will be no peace treaty, no diplomatic talks, no civic discourse because you can’t negotiate with savagery. Give them what they understand: unmerciful, unrelenting, unforgiving death. EVERY. LAST. ONE.

  2. The progs should be coming out in full force to flaunt some righteous anger and indignation…Yeah, should be here any minute…C’mon progs show us some heroic anger….Progs?……Hello?……Anyone there?…..There’s some top shelf righteousness fuel right here…..Helllooooo?

  3. Men are allowed to pleasure themselves with boys and boys are preferred to women according to Islamic writings. As long as the boys are pre-pubescent, it is not considered an act of homosexuality. There’s more to the same-sex “marriage” agenda than what is presented to the public. Islam is a sick, twisted, abusive ideology, and we had better be willing to play cowboys and muslims sooner than later.

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