Peepaw’s severely bruised ego – IOTW Report

Peepaw’s severely bruised ego

Patriot Retort:
I’m sure by now you’ve seen one of the videos of Peepaw Biden falling off his bike while standing still. The White House was quick to inform the public that grandpa was not injured. And while there is a slight chance the White House is being honest about this, Peepaw didn’t come out unscathed. Once again, his ego was severely bruised by a very public pratfall.

Never underestimate Joe Biden’s vanity.

Taking a pratfall in full view of the world would leave anyone’s ego bruised.

But for Joe Biden, the injury to his ego is crippling.

Just the other day, I mentioned on Facebook how thankful I am that I live alone. The last thing I want is another person watching me struggle to get up off the floor after I exercise. Despite my efforts to beat back the ravages of Lupus by daily exercise, picking myself up off the floor after working out is still an utter clown show.

I’m embarrassed by it when nobody is there to watch me.

So I imagine dropping like a sack of potatoes in front of reporters and, more importantly, cameras left old Joe’s ego severely bruised. That bruised ego is more painful to Joe Biden’s vanity than any gushing head wound or broken bone could ever be. more

9 Comments on Peepaw’s severely bruised ego

  1. Dementia Joey’s vanity has always been his sore point. Challenge him, and you will be a diatribe. Now Poor Joey is upset because he just found out that his Masters and Handlers are not managing his Presidency* the way he wanted. Obiden Bama is like a recurring character on Seinfeld, but with the launch codes to the Nuclear Weapons.

  2. I’m surprised that Joey Bab-ee did not challenge anybody to an IQ test or a push up contest or threaten to take somebody behind the gym. Such a tough guy.

    Seriously, WTF was up with the toe clips? I get that he is the unelected President and gets a 2 wheeled motorcade to accompany him whenever he goes out for a spin on the bike path. But bike paths are pretty typical and have common features including many road crossings where you have to slow down or stop. Every bike path I’ve ever been on also has clueless stragglers who stop to rest in the middle of your lane, they dont pull off and there is oncoming bikers on the other side. In other words, there is a lot of slowdowns and stops – toe clips are for racing, or pedaling up mountains and definitely not for somebody who cant jog up the steps od Dementia One.

  3. Who lets an fucking idiot that could manage to fall off a mobility scooter in front of the press on a bicycle? His idiot wife undoubtedly came up with this stunt and poopy pants knows better than to cross her.

  4. Anonymous SubPrime –

    Sounds like it’s time to take the bike away from poor ole Joe. I’ve had to take the car keys away from my dad and father-in-law. Basically, it was a good news, bad news thing. Good news – you’re 87; bad news – you’re 87. The day comes for all of us if we live long enough. They weren’t taken out by cancer or heart disease when they were younger so they lived long enough to be too impaired to drive a motor vehicle.

    Back to our old friend Joey – what’s worse – not being able to keep your feet on the pedals or not being able to take your feet off the pedals – too bad he didn’t break his hip, it wouldn’t take much more impact. I just loved seeing him jog across the lawn to Marine One – I was sure that his dementia was too advanced for him to be able to faithfully execute the office of POTUS, but after seeing that sprint, I might be wrong.


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