Pelosi Attacks Elizabeth Warren’s $53 Trillion Medicare for All Plan – IOTW Report

Pelosi Attacks Elizabeth Warren’s $53 Trillion Medicare for All Plan

Pen: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore into Democrat Presidential frontrunner Elizabeth Warren’s $53 Trillion Medicare for All proposal on Friday.

Nancy Pelosi told Bloomberg about Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All plan:

“I’m not a big fan of Medicare for All. I mean I welcome the debate, I think that we should have health care for all.”

Pelosi went on with her critiques aimed at Warren’s signature bill, saying, “It is expensive. There is a comfort level that some people have with their current private insurance that they have, and if that is to be phased out, let’s talk about it, but let’s not just have one bill that would do that.”

The House Speaker made it clear that she wants to promote a “health care for all” plan, a term used by 2020 Democrats, instead of promising the more socialist Medicare for All, originally proposed by Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders. read more

23 Comments on Pelosi Attacks Elizabeth Warren’s $53 Trillion Medicare for All Plan

  1. Warren would have to tax the top 50% at 90% & the bottom 50% including those receiving SS, SSI, SSDI, & Welfare checks at 75% with no minimum income exemption to even come close to paying for this farce. Of course Federal Gov’t Progressive Congress Critters would be exempt.

  2. Nancy said..I’m not a big fan of Medicare for All. I mean I welcome the debate, I think that we should have health care for all.”….as a very wise insurance guy said…’That’s just a misnomer”….REALLY?…tell me the difference….

  3. Fauxcahontas is the most disingenuous POS in modern politics, along with the rest of the democrat crew of thieves and traitors.

    God help is if she gets the power of the presidency. She’ll make obama/jarrett/lois lerner look like a picnic.

  4. A misnomer is a name that is incorrectly applied to a person, place or object.[1] Misnomers often arise because something was named long before its correct nature was known, or because an earlier form of something has been replaced by something to which the name no longer applies. A misnomer may also be simply a word that someone uses incorrectly or misleadingly.[2] The word “misnomer” does not mean “misunderstanding” or “popular misconception”,[2] and a number of misnomers remain in common usage — which is to say that a word being a misnomer does not necessarily make usage of the word incorrect.

  5. I observe that Fauxcohauntus said that Medical Insurance workers would work in some other industry.
    You have that many trained medical insurance professionals in your pocket to handle the load? You have no other talent pool other than entry level government workers. Who will administrate those claims?
    Having a medical claim that gets screwed up is a nightmare. Imagine having pompous federal workers that can never be fired for incompetence deciding your very fate.

  6. @ Lazlo The Elder…You’ve claimed that your an insurance adjuster. I believe that, but please tell me that you haven’t seen properly written and justified P&C claims morph as they go up the chain of command with 20 inept hands touching it all…

  7. @ Lazlo The Elder….Lizzie said this and she said there was a 5 year parachute to work them into other insurance categories…….Sell health insurance?, sell Auto insurance? maybe life and P&C?….hell, sell used cars at the same time, and couches, mattresses…and this ash tray, and this lamp…..

  8. @ Lazlo The Elder….My point is……is that the insurance business is nothing more then a ponzi scheme and that they are most dangerous when they are involved with health care. The government would be also, however the Insurance industry and the government are conjoined twins living off of each others imbelical cords….
    What’s the answer?…I don’t know, I’m a dum dum, but the Insurance industry certainly contributes to the problem…

    You are one of my favorite commentators and always respond with a sense of wisdom….So, tell me, How would you fix health care?….

  9. I agree with you! Especially on the ponzi scheme, but it is a beneficial one.
    You too are one who’s comments I especially enjoy
    I would take all the prior condition folk and all who want a government option and you can have your Medicare. Taxed on a sliding income scale.
    Everybody else, keep on doing what you are doing.
    Illegal aliens can go to the emergency room like they have for generations, but move the bill to receivables and send it to the country of origin. Then deduct that money from any aid.
    That and a 2% sales tax on extreme luxury items like yachts and crap

  10. @ Lazlo The Elder….I like that….I’m gonna chew on it a bit, but I think you on to something. The best part is that I don’t think that you want to run for an elected office, so I know your honest…..I’ll gladly pay 2% tax on my yacht next Tuesday….LOL…

  11. OK… last comment forever on the insurance industry…Warren Buffet who is one of the 3 richest men in the world and oversees an investment enterprise called Berkshire Hathaway is invested in Insurance companies at 27% (his most heavily invested industry) of it’s volume…..The Berkshire Hathaway fellas and the Insurance industry aren’t gonna give up that golden goose to that money maker….

    It won’t matter what I do or say. I’m a Dum Dum and anybody that believes that shit already has the hook set….frog, pot, slow boiled water………………DID YOU EVER THINK? IN THE LAST 40 YEARS, THAT YOU HAD GOOD HEALTH INSURANCE?….CAR INSRANCE? P&C INSURANCE?…..I can’t and didn’t….


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