Pelosi (CA-rtrD) tries to honor Willie Mays but uses photo of wrong man – IOTW Report

Pelosi (CA-rtrD) tries to honor Willie Mays but uses photo of wrong man

They all look alike, eh Nancy?

News Thud:

House Speaker* Nancy Pelosi tried to honor the 90th birthday of baseball legend Willie Mays in the only way Democrats know how: by talking about herself. And she did it with the only style Democrats know: racistly.

Sure, it’s possible to grab the wrong photo, especially if you’re searching by name and the person has the same first name you were looking for. But would Pelosi and friends accept that answer from, oh I don’t know, let’s say Donald Trump Jr.?

Of COURSE not. They would call him racist. So I guess if she wants us to accept her worldview, then we have to judge her actions according to that view, and according to that view… Pelosi did a racism. more

19 Comments on Pelosi (CA-rtrD) tries to honor Willie Mays but uses photo of wrong man

  1. Carrying the DemoCrap tradition faithfully.

    You could not make up a bigger blunder if you tried but life is truly more unbelievable than reality.

    She really is only a millisecond behind Joe’s Senility.

  2. When he was mayor, my Petey B was honoring Ted Kennedy on live television but instead of holding up a picture of Ted Kennedy in his neck brace, he accidentally held up a picture of my tied up unbleached elastic starfish!

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