Pelosi challenged! – IOTW Report

Pelosi challenged!

Bloomberg: Representative Tim Ryan, a little-known Democrat from Ohio, said Thursday he’ll challenge Nancy Pelosi to lead a party that’s reeling from a disappointing Election Day.

Ryan’s announcement that he’ll run against Pelosi pits him against the only woman to ever serve as House Speaker and comes after more than a half-dozen better-known colleagues in recent years shied away from the challenge. He declared his candidacy hours after she told reporters that she’d had support from more than two-thirds of the House’s roughly 200 Democratic members.

Ryan, 43, was undeterred, saying that the Democratic Party’s disappointing performance in last week’s election demanded new leadership.

“Over the last 18 years, Democrats have only been in the majority of the House of Representatives for two terms, and last week’s election results set us back even further,” said Ryan, of Youngstown. “We have lost over 60 seats since 2010. We have the fewest Democrats in state and federal offices since Reconstruction. At this time of fear and disillusionment, we owe it to our constituencies to listen and bring a new voice into leadership.”  MORE

13 Comments on Pelosi challenged!

  1. Remember the Blue Dog Democrats? They were more centrist, more open to at least talking to Republicans. They’re all gone now, only Dem legislators are extreme left.
    Of course even the Blue Dogs were still Democrats. Can’t change that.

  2. Nanny Franny had her saggy bewbies lifted..they had to cut away the undersides and add more burlap for support. Of course that pulled down her scalp and lowered her ears. So we figure her belly button must look like a inverted nipple between her clavicles. Dat gal is a mess!

  3. Tim Ryan has been Nancy Pelosi’s bitch for years. He has voted with her about 97% of the time.

    A few years ago three manufacturing plants within two miles of his Niles, OH office closed and moved to Mexico within a 6 week time period taking about 900 jobs. His response was “we”ll make sure they get all the unemployment they are due.”

    Eat shit and die asshole!

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