Pelosi challenger: ‘Vulnerable’ after Trump election – IOTW Report

Pelosi challenger: ‘Vulnerable’ after Trump election

AM: A left-wing primary challenger to U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi says the House Minority Leader is not as safe as many may think, and she may have a political disruptor named Donald Trump to thank for that.

Bernie Sanders supporter Stephen Jaffe is taking Pelosi on in a primary later this year, and he’s tacking to the left of Pelosi in liberal-friendly San Francisco.

“I don’t think she is quite as untouchable as she might believe and I do believe that in post-Trump universe, that she is vulnerable,” Jaffe told Fox Business’ Charles Paine on Monday.

Jaffe believes Trump’s presidency has helped to fuel left-wing activism, and many of them are opposed to Pelosi, too.


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5 Comments on Pelosi challenger: ‘Vulnerable’ after Trump election

  1. Any relation to Lou Jaffe from SCTV?

    “Jaffe believes Trump’s presidency has helped to fuel left-wing activism, and many of them are opposed to Pelosi, too.”

    Pssst. Don’t tell anyone, but it was the past 8 years of the failed liberal experiment of “Hope ‘n Change”, PC anti-americanism, leftist racist parrot talk that you filthy leftists have fueled a Trump victory. Americans are sick and tired of the insane left.

  2. Wasting his time and money. The well oiled Pelosi machine will still support her when she’s dead. The money she raises is beyond comprehension. Besides, the Republican party needs her. Every time she opens her brain dead yap, the Republicans win more voters.

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