Pelosi Chooses Climate Change over USMCA Jobs – IOTW Report

Pelosi Chooses Climate Change over USMCA Jobs

American Thinker:

Ever notice that climate change conferences are never held in places like Somalia or Bangladesh or perhaps one of those islands that are going to be under water the day after tomorrow? They are always held in places like Copenhagen (2009) or this time in Spain, places where the elites can fly in on private jets, stay in five-star hotels, and explain why they must control every aspect of our lives lest we all die in the  next dozen years.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent all of President Trump’s first term producing no legislation benefitting the American people while concentrating on impeachment, but who has no time to work on the U..S.-Mexico Danada Agreement (USMCA) on trade, led a Congressional delegation of Democrats on a trip to Spain where they can emit carbon dioxide bloviating about planetary climate doom. As Brietbart News reports:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will fly out Sunday with a large delegation of congressional Democrats heading 3,781 miles across the Atlantic to the United Nations COP25 climate change conference in Madrid.

A key element of the conference will seek to place financial penalties on global commercial aviation to stop people flying and making “unnecessary contributions to atmospheric carbon dioxide pollution.”  The Pelosi delegation will join almost 25,000 people and 1500 journalists flying into the Spanish capital to attend the meeting.

Pelosi’s absence from Washington, DC, will cast cast doubt on the possibility of passing an updated North American trade deal by the end of 2019, a departure from her previous characterization of the deal as “imminent.”

Of course, flying in 25,000 attendees is considered by the elites as a necessary contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide pollution. Climate change supporters, not Trump supporters, are  a true cult, creating a climate religion they demand we must worship. The goal is to use climate change as a means to increase government power over every aspect of our lives — what we make, how we make it, what energy we use, what cars we drive, even what food we eat. The scientific record, as Investor’s Business Daily recently noted, shows that climate change is a scam: more here

14 Comments on Pelosi Chooses Climate Change over USMCA Jobs

  1. Let me get this straight, 25,000 people FLEW into Spain to “seek to place financial penalties on global commercial aviation to STOP people FLYING”?

    The cognitive dissonance of these people is astounding!

  2. Clear why the conferences are not held in those dirty, dingy places. The Vatican’s recent Amazon Synod wasn’t held near the Amazon, either, and our President will soon be impeached for no reason. Hard to follow some of these thought patterns.

  3. Think I’ll put some 2 stroke fuel in my 4 cycle mower to send celebratory smoke signals in support of these great climate warriors. What the hell, I’m going to be dead in 10 yrs. anyway.

  4. Isn’t one of those H-Bombs that were ditched off Spain back in the 60’s still missing? Talk about a target rich environment, where the hell are all the terrorists when you need them.


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