Pelosi Complains About Possibly Having to Work Until Christmas – IOTW Report

Pelosi Complains About Possibly Having to Work Until Christmas


But the Queen of  Spasmodic Blinking  didn’t have a problem hanging out ’til Christmas Eve to pass 0bamacare now, did she?




14 Comments on Pelosi Complains About Possibly Having to Work Until Christmas

  1. “But the Queen of Spasmodic Blinking didn’t have a problem hanging out ’til Christmas Eve to pass 0bamacare now, did she?”

    And, she doesn’t have any problem with those that have to work 2 different jobs to and thru Christmas because of Obutthole care.

  2. shut up and do your damn job bitch. If you had taken care of business for the last eight years we would not be in the shape we’re in. I worked eighteen hours a day, seven days a week for years. I have zero point shit sympathy for lazy lowlifes like the majority of congress.


    Every opportunity on camera to zing Republicans, THEY DO.

    Ask Hillary about Weinstein? “He’s as bad as the guy in the White House!”

    Ask about work, “Tax breaks for the rich!”

    As I’ve been saying for over 10 years, the Republicans need to do the same thing.

    “What about Charlottesville!”
    –“Hey, the democrats had a KKK leader in the Senate for 50 years!”


  4. Too damned bad Pelosi. I worked weekends, most holidays and graveyard shift during my career but didn‘t complain because…I knew I would have to do it before I accepted employment you whiny moonbat!!!

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