Pelosi Coronavirus Plan Allows Business to Hire Illegal Aliens Over 33M Unemployed Americans – IOTW Report

Pelosi Coronavirus Plan Allows Business to Hire Illegal Aliens Over 33M Unemployed Americans

Breitbart: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) latest Chinese coronavirus relief package shields illegal aliens from deportation so long as they take American jobs in “essential critical infrastructure work,” shielding their employers from prosecution.

The plan, proposed by House Democrats, offers an amnesty for illegal aliens who take American jobs deemed “essential” during the crisis, even as more than 33 million Americans are unemployed.

Specific provisions of the plan ensure that illegal aliens taking essential American jobs are provided with deferred action and authorized for employment, effectively halting Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) ability to deport them.

Likewise, the House Democrat plan provides business with a major giveaway by suspending the Department of Labor’s ability to prosecute an employer that hires illegal aliens over unemployed Americans. read more

4 Comments on Pelosi Coronavirus Plan Allows Business to Hire Illegal Aliens Over 33M Unemployed Americans

  1. Nancy Pelousey never met an illegal beaner that she didn’t prefer over a regular American citizen. To her the beaners have more rights than we do and that’s not right. It’s time for her to be forcibly removed from office or to croak and assume room temperature. Go away nance you bother us and don’t leave a forwarding address, you’re an embarrassment to the American people.


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