Pelosi: Democracy is “Perilous to Democracy” – IOTW Report

Pelosi: Democracy is “Perilous to Democracy”

And she is unanimous in this.

Orwell is from an older school. The new postmodern school has liberal politicians and pundits saying nonsense that would embarrass a North Korean propagandist. They advocate for censorship and shutting down dissent in order to protect democracy. The two-party system, they contend is democracy, but anything else is a threat to democracy.

Here’s Nan.

Nancy Pelosi on Thursday eviscerated the centrist group No Labels and its attempt to mount a third-party presidential bid.

“I think that No Labels is perilous to our democracy. I say that completely without any hesitation,” she said. “This is about an illusion being created, that it’s about non-partisanship and bringing people together.”

What the hell does that even mean? more

9 Comments on Pelosi: Democracy is “Perilous to Democracy”

  1. Power is a dangerous drug.
    She obviously ODed.
    She learned corruption at her daddy’s knee – and learned it well – and has been a corrupt piece of shit her entire life.
    Hell awaits her. Not soon enough for some.

    Apparently she graduated the same school of oratory as Kamel-Ho Harris and Sandy O’Cortez – and simply tosses words out to confuse the easily confusable and to satiate the imbeciles who make up the mass of the demonrat plantation – “… sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Richard Winger’s great site details all the hurdles both worthless major parties have put up in every state to keep competition off the ballot. In Georgia for instance, NO third party candidate has been able to overcome the ballot access hurdles for the US House races since 1935! Of course we don’t have freedom in this country. We have a two party criminal oligarchy.


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