Pelosi: Dems will take Congress, WH in ’16 – IOTW Report

Pelosi: Dems will take Congress, WH in ’16


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) predicted a Democratic sweep in 2016.

If Republicans keep the House in November, Pelosi said they wouldn’t hold their majority for long.

“Their days are numbered. I know that in two years, I know we’ll have a Democratic Congress and a Democratic president,” she told reporters at her weekly press conference.

“I’d like it to be in two months,” she added.

Asked if she was conceding that Republicans would hold the House in November’s midterms, Pelosi insisted, “No, I’m not.”

“I think we’ll do okay,” said Pelosi, who was headed to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to discuss the elections.

Pelosi compared November’s midterms to the Olympics, in which the final result can come down to a matter of inches or seconds.



18 Comments on Pelosi: Dems will take Congress, WH in ’16

  1. She knows that by 2016, the fix will be in. Dem voter fraud and a split on the right between the Libertarian Party, the Conservative Party and the Democratic People’s Republican Party will keep the Dems in power until the eschaton is immanentized.

  2. FTA remarking on the Republican’s message, “They have no ideas. They have nothing to offer the American people in terms of job creation, financial stability, lowering the cost of education, raising the minimum wage, stopping their tax breaks for their friends to send jobs overseas,” she said.

    As much as Nancy disgusts me, I’m going to have to give her some accuracy points for this oft repeated Dem speaking point. The Republicans have said little to nothing about what they pledge (“trust me this time…”) to do if they hold the House and take the Senate. Their “Republicans are people too” campaign approach has done little to nothing to inspire the conservative base.

    Other than the good ol’ boys’, “Crush the Tea Party”, the Republicans seem to be offering more of the same should they take Congress.

  3. Cherrybark, the Repubs are not only passive and uninspiring, but they are actively colluding with Dems to artificially adjust the balance of power and dampen any Conservative gains. How else can one explain the fact that Repub GA governor Nathan Deal is not even campaigning against Jimmy Carter’s grandson and will likely lose to him in November?

    It’s almost like the Dems found out they were likely to lose a governorship in another state that they expected to keep, so the GOP offered to take a fall to maintain tbe status quo.

    I just cannot fathom how the punk who secretly recorded Romney’s 47% remark will be my next governor.

  4. It still pays pretty good to come in 2nd in a two man race when you are in the political class.

    The Republican Establishment hates conservatives and Democrats keep the gravy train rolling.

    They must be destroyed for what they have done during these most recent primaries.

    Boehner’s pussy needs to get whipped. Then he can have a good cry over it.

  5. The feeble old goat is right in a way. The Republicans are not united with a common message. They have received too many shellackings for them to endure.

    This is, again, the problem that I have been bringing up periodically. The dems have a common theme (attempting to create a liberal commie utopia) and they stick to it and stick with each other at ANY COST.

    For instance – Anthony Weiner. Tweeted dick pics yet only after doing it AGAIN did he quietly back away from the spotlight, still able to show his face publicly.

    For instance – The feud between Hillary and Obama camps. Only through insiders do we know they can’t stand each other, and the press never breaths a word of it.

    Yet the conservatives are an army that shoots their own wounded, and will “stay the course” over a cliff in order to cling to some marginal ideal.

    Pelosi looks at the democrat well oiled war machine and can’t help but laugh at the loosely organized troop of Barny Fifes across the aisle.

    This is a war and the left know it and will leave all personal squeamishness at home, freely slicing and stabbing and hacking at the enemy, spilling blood and guts without a flinch, seeing only the goal and certain victory with each breathless cry of “But he’s not my guy” when they finish off another conservative.

  6. Batshit crazy meets magical thinking.

    When what’s left of the Dhimmies after November gets done kicking the bloody guts out of the middle of the floor and gets around to figuring out what to do, they might consider canning Pelosi along with Debbie Blabbermouth and the rest of the uber-liberal leadership.

  7. … and when her Botox, deal with the devil, and gummint-provided healthcare no longer work, she’ll STILL be able to vote for that DEMOCRAP majority a couple dozen times… from 6′ under, no less… 🙄

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