Pelosi Goes Drag Racing – IOTW Report

Pelosi Goes Drag Racing

DMF: The ever-blurring lines between politics and pop culture grow fuzzier, but so much more fabulous! Nancy Pelosi, who represents California’s 12 district that includes all of San Francisco paid a visit this week to famous Drag Queen RuPaul’s Drag Race All Star TV show.

RuPaul’s Drag Race vh1

It’s safe to say Nan has found her way around a few drag queens or two in her day.  MORE

11 Comments on Pelosi Goes Drag Racing

  1. She refers to her dentures as “popouts” Give her a quick rap in the back of the head, send them flying out and she’s ready to go like a calf on an utter.

  2. Nancy is one sick bitch. No one in their right mind would be seen in the company of those people. Is she working the crowd for campaign funding? Who the hell else would those disgusting, repulsive, and pathetic losers support? One sick bitch.

  3. It is actually frightening to know that this pathetic woman has had so much control over the actual citizens of this country by the power she has had. And that the loons and illegals in SF will continue to vote her in.

    Conservatives and all others who love and care about America need to get out and vote to be sure we don’t lose the House and put this lunatic back in as speaker

  4. Ah come on folks, the woman is not only despicable, she’s desperate.

    She’s trolling for votes where her constituency lives. Any sane voter abandoned the Pelosi Titantic years ago and she knows it.

    Although, it would explain a lot if she is a drag queen.

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