Pelosi: “I Like To Eat At 5:30…Like A Peasant” – IOTW Report

Pelosi: “I Like To Eat At 5:30…Like A Peasant”

23 Comments on Pelosi: “I Like To Eat At 5:30…Like A Peasant”

  1. There are people who actually vote for her!
    They either support lies and corruption or they are brain-dead zombies.
    (of course, I’ve read that some people enjoy being whipped – so maybe her supporters are masochistic – slave mentality – drones)

    Difficult to believe, but there it is.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It’s getting to the point where I can’t tell the difference between Washington DC and Porn Hub.
    We have a pedo in the WH, his son is a degenerate whoremonger and potentially a pedo.
    A SC candidate who is a pedo lover, and a congress rife with prostitutes.
    Pelosi voters enjoy BDSM.

  3. You can mix vodka and vanilla ice cream. It’s actually pretty good. Although vanilla ice cream and Crème de menthe is better.

    …not that I’d know that except for some, uh, recipe experimentation when I was considerably younger, hrumphhrumphhrumph…

  4. Look at that picture of her because I imagine that’s what she’ll look like laying in her crypt after Quartermass drives a stake through her cold, shriveled up heart.

  5. These assholes need to be reminded, in no uncertain terms, just how they came to be where they are.
    We The People put you there; we can certainly take you out.

  6. Us peasants eat early,so we can go to bed early,so we can get up early,and go to work to support you whores and Sons of bitches in the governtment! If it was within my power I’d @#$%&+-)( the whole bunch of you!


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