Pelosi inexplicably reminds us she’s 2nd in line to be president just after saying, ‘whether he knows it yet or not,’ Trump will be leaving – IOTW Report

Pelosi inexplicably reminds us she’s 2nd in line to be president just after saying, ‘whether he knows it yet or not,’ Trump will be leaving


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continued to push the Democrat narrative that President Donald Trump could refuse to leave the White House if he loses in November.

Pelosi spoke with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski on Monday about Trump’s interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace and if he will accept the election results even if it is not in his favor. The California Democrat declared that the president, in fact, be leaving the White House “whether he knows it yet or not.” more

26 Comments on Pelosi inexplicably reminds us she’s 2nd in line to be president just after saying, ‘whether he knows it yet or not,’ Trump will be leaving

  1. I am pretty sure that the Dems are prepared to blow up the election, if they cannot win “legitimately”, then have Congress assume total control in January and put Nancy in as acting-president. I have mentioned this before, and it sounds more plausible as we get closer to November.

  2. She’s said so many outlandishly stupid things over the years, it’s hard to get more than mildly irritated at this one.

    On the other hand, a good, postmortem, brain dissection is indicated.

  3. @ACParker

    Something Ann Barnhardt posted on WRSA today:

    “Hoping you and yours are as thirsty for battle as I am. It is an honor and privilege to be alive and in one’s prime, not just witnessing, but subsisting in a window of epochal history. Stay confessed. Stay frosty. Remember everything so the younglings can be told our glorious stories of these, our days. And the day WILL be ours.”

    I wonder what’s on Bracken’s mind.

  4. Ohhhh so noooww, I get it, they are going to put this into the courts once again? Like with what AL Bore did by filing a motion in Florida.

    What is the plan to by-pass the VP? Nance? Please TELL us.

    So, if it’s not a landslide as some of us have heard, for that so called silent majority to show up? OR if then, it is CLOSE?? Like another 51%/49% regardless of the electoral college? For instance since CLinton, the Bush years and the 0bama years? Those years of those close prez races, BUCKLE UP.

  5. I think she may be referring to the massive election fraud that the Democrats are planning to use to take the election. She knows that we will see through it, and be angry about it.

  6. Uncle Al – normally, for something like her, one must wear a full, level 4 bio suit. You don’t want “any of it on you” and no accidents from squirming, twitching, jerking, etc. So, postmortem is best.

    Perhaps Supernightshade can help us out with a full analysis.

  7. Her statement is just another manifestation of the old hags frustration.
    Every time she tries another of her underhanded schemes she winds up planted on her ass.
    Being humiliated time and again by Trump has her dangerously unstable.

  8. Neither Pelosi nor Clinton can get it through their thick skulls that they will NEVER be president. How horrible it must be to go through life knowing you were NEVER GOOD ENOUGH! Heck, Clinton couldn’t even satisfy her man, that’s how disgusting SHE is!!

  9. I don’t trust the Liberal Socialist Democrats.

    The President needs to have the DOJ challenge this massive Mail-in-Voter Fraud scheme in the SCOTUS and/or at the least REQUIRE strict guidelines and independently verified counting procedures and time periods.

    Plus we need to have a official accounting of how many were:
    Mail-in-Voters, Absentee voters,and Ballot machine and how each process voted. Plus we need a 10 year per count Voter fraud sentence.

    If you forgot.
    Stacy Abrams (LSD-GA) had a campaign worker returning to NY who turned in his rental car at the airport and the Rental Car company found boxes (1000’s)of Illegally printed & 90% filled out Absentee ballot and called the Atlanta Police and GBI. These were just missing a name/address of a dead, moved, jailed, a person likely not to vote or a nursing home voters lacking sanity. She only missed being Fraudulently elected by about 10,000 votes.

  10. PROJECTION. They made this claim, in fact I think it was Nancy, about ‘W’ as well; all the while they have refused to accept DJT was president, and have sought to remove him from office by just about every means they could, up to and including sedition and open insurrection.

    Keep your powder dry.

  11. She seems to be very certain in her own twisted soul that Trump will be gone by Feb. 2021. Could they be planning a more violent type of removal in case their election fraud schemes don’t work out as intended? Saying that Trump “doesn’t know it yet” sounds like a pretty ominous threat to me. Like something a Mob gangster would say about a rival.

    Most demoncrats seem to be in quite a violent mood these days.

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