Pelosi is totally listening to what’s her name over there – IOTW Report

Pelosi is totally listening to what’s her name over there

American Mirror: Nancy Pelosi argued today that Democrats are listening to young people across the country, and that’s why they should vote for Democrats.  And then the House Minority Leader promptly forgot the young questioner’s name.

Addressing students at Georgetown University on Tuesday, Pelosi said, “As far as you people are concerned, we’re listening to them around the country.

“Listening—just going around with out 40-someth— uh, 30-somethings, our own young people in the Congress who go around to listen,” Pelosi told the students.

“And what we’re hearing from young people are issues about cost of tuition, ‘Am I going to get a job?’, climate change, net neutrality, Wall Street’s influences on our policy, money in campaigns, these are all agenda items for the Democrats, but we don’t go there preaching them,” she insisted, “we’re there to listen.”  MORE

9 Comments on Pelosi is totally listening to what’s her name over there

  1. Pelosi listens only when she hears what fits the progressive/socialist agenda. Talking points were provided attendees so they can lead her to her progressive/socialist diatribe. Even then her politics of obstruction and lack of leadership will not allow her to place important national issues above political expediency.

    Pelosi has never been about solving national problems, her focus has been on big government, big taxes and socialistic one world government.

    Pelosi is one of the many establishment leeches that must be retired, she, like others in both parties, are the problem.

  2. If You’ve ever lived on the outskirts of Society..In remote

    areas…You’ll notice that Your Cell Phone signal wavers

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    position to the Mother Ship…


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