Pelosi is working Democrat nerves – IOTW Report

Pelosi is working Democrat nerves


Black lawmaker troubled by Pelosi’s caucus changes.

A member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is sounding the alarm over the new changes floated by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), warning that the minority leader’s proposals could erode the power of African-American lawmakers even as they attempt to spread influence to younger members.

In a note to fellow members of the CBC, Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) praised Pelosi “for listening to the concerns” of Democrats seeking a new path forward after a disastrous election cycle that will put Republicans in charge of the White House and both chambers of Congress next year.

But he’s also worried that some of the proposals “may have severe unintended consequences that could diminish our power as a caucus” by preventing many longstanding CBC members from rising through the ranks.

Richmond said he’s particularly troubled that Pelosi’s proposals “seem to target the portfolio” of the third-ranking leadership post, currently held by Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), a 12-term CBC member, by making that position an elected seat reserved for lawmakers who have served three terms or less.  read more

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15 Comments on Pelosi is working Democrat nerves

  1. All of this caucus/tenure crap would be a moot point with term limits. The whole business of Congress has been whored out to those with the most years parking their asses in DC.

    There’s no way the Founders would have omitted term limits had they had
    any idea how Congress would devolve into this mess.

    There was a state by state movement that I believe had corralled about 25 states that term limited their Reps and Senators but the good old SC said these were powers not granted by the Constitution.

    Yep the very same SC that “discovered” a right to abortion, that homos can legally marry, that growing your own wheat interfered with interstate commerce, that it’s perfectly kewl to intern 1,000s of Americans of Japanese descent(and confiscate their property) and mystical permabulas decided that states had no authority to decide how their own federal Reps would be regulated.

  2. I guess they can’t make a requirement that the candidate not be involved with accusations of financial irregularities with public funds. Every CBC member would be disqualified. Clyburn has made the historically black college in SC his piggy bank.

  3. The black community will never turn around as long as gutless, brainless, self serving blacks like Richmond (D.La) are in power. The black community needs strong, moral, principled, courageous, and disciplined leaders setting high standards and routinely sending strong messages to black slackers. Colin Powell is a disgrace to his race. Blacks should follow courageous men like Allen West.

  4. Ask Dems you know why they keep their elected black pols corralled into the CBC, never have had a black speaker despite holding control of the house for most of history, and black lawmakers really never have any legislation put forth, but are merely allowed to add their names to some others? Might be fun to see their reactions…

  5. I want Pelosi and Keith the Muslim. Bring all the crazy. Do ya’ll have any blue haired, otherkin, or hajib wearing candidates? Please add those as well to the party heads.

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