Pelosi must protect baby bird Biden – IOTW Report

Pelosi must protect baby bird Biden

After Watching 3 Days Of RNC, Pelosi Says Biden Should Stay In His Basement.

Federalist: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden should not debate President Donald Trump, but urged reporters not to tell Joe Biden and his campaign team who would disagree with her.

“I do not think the President of the United States has comported himself in a way that anybody that has any association with the truth, evidence, data, and facts. I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States,” Pelosi stated Thursday.

Not only did Pelosi say President Trump is incapable of participating in a debate, but she also accused him again of attempting to “undermine the elections” and disrespecting “the democratic process.”

“He will probably act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency. He does that every day. But I think he will also belittle what the debates are supposed to be about, and they are not to be about skulduggery on the part of somebody who has no respect for the office he holds, much less the democratic process. Why else would he try to undermine the elections in the manner in which he is doing?” she asked. more

24 Comments on Pelosi must protect baby bird Biden

  1. man, they must really be running scared

    btw, got my mail-in ballot instructions today … gonna be pretty easy in Lockdown Larryland to stuff the ballot boxes

  2. “He will probably act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency.” This is coming from the woman who tore up the SOTU address as a stunt on national TV and acted beneath the dignity of the Office of Speaker of the House.

  3. “…skulduggery on the part of somebody who has no respect for the office he holds…”

    But enough about Obama and the coup. Let’s talk about respect for the office and that SOTU speech you ripped to shreds, bitch.

  4. Pelosi is oblivious to irony. I heard her in a radio report (I won’t call it news — and, ironically, it was while listening to Mark Levin) complaining that Trump and Republicans were ignoring science, while she and Democrats believed in science. In closing, she said that Mother Nature was angry.

  5. Pelosi is such bag of smelly shit. Nothing she says can be taken seriously.

    She belongs in prison for her insane corruption (her husband and her son helped loot the US as much as Biden and his scummy family).

  6. @ Anonymous

    “One of the strongest countries” There isn’t even a close second.

    The only thing you guys don’t dominate is (Who gives a Fuck) Soccer & Ice Hockey.

  7. The one thing that I noticed was her dismissive wave of hand when she mentioned Joe’s name—very telling.
    Also, Greg Gutfeld said this today—wouldn’t it be easy to debate a liar? So if they think PDJT is a liar—you would win the debate with facts.

  8. Biden seems incapable of even answering on his own.

    He may as well get used to it, if he should win the election….there will be plenty of others to send out his message for him.

  9. Chuckie, Ba doop a doop, a doop, a doop, a doop,a doop, doop….. Joey’s a combination of Beaky Buzzard and retarded Lennie from Of Mice And Men, “Which way did they go George.” He wants to hug and squeeze the American people to death and sniff little girls hair.

  10. They are stuffing the child molester with experimental drugs just to get him to the level to read notes and a teleprompter.

    That is why our glorious PDJT is trolling the Demons for a drug test prior to the debates, Trumpus Maximus is a Jedi Troll Master.

    This drooling senile idiot can’t even get through a cherry snow cone interview with a dick sucking sycophant who gave him all the questions a week prior to practice on.

    He is a child fondling pig and I still have my suspicion about Hillezibub or Kamalakazi taking the reins after the pedophilic bastard flames out on Sep 29.

  11. My sister nailed it when she said that if Biden does not debate, then President Trump will have an empty chair and a screen of past Biden comments from Biden’s 50 years in government.
    Love President Trump – he is the master Troller!

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