Pelosi: ‘Outstanding Matters’ Have to Be Resolved Before We Make Impeachment Decision – IOTW Report

Pelosi: ‘Outstanding Matters’ Have to Be Resolved Before We Make Impeachment Decision


During a press conference on Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that any decision on impeachment has “to be done with our strongest possible hand” and there are still “outstanding matters in the courts.”

Pelosi said, “My position has always been that whatever decision we make in that regard would have to be done with our strongest possible hand. And we still have some outstanding matters in the courts. It’s about the Congress, the Constitution, and the courts. And we are fighting the president in the courts.”

14 Comments on Pelosi: ‘Outstanding Matters’ Have to Be Resolved Before We Make Impeachment Decision

  1. The main “outstanding matter” they need to deal with is to dream up some cockamamie definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors” that includes simply “orange man bad” as an impeachable offence.

  2. Nancy’s family is going through the same ire.
    The family has known for over a decade that Great Granny is bat shit crazy.
    When asked about how she is at family get-together s, she responds the same way she does in press conferences,
    ‘I like grapes!’
    F’ing Loon

  3. question: why was Muleface addressed in his placard as ‘Honorable’?

    according to Wiki … “Under the rules of etiquette, the President, Vice President, members of both houses of Congress, governors of states, members of state legislatures, and mayors are accorded the title. Persons appointed to office nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate are accorded the title; this rule includes members of the Cabinet and sub-Cabinet (such as deputies and undersecretaries), administrators, members, and commissioners of the various independent agencies, councils, commissions, and boards, federal judges, ambassadors of the United States, U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Marshals, the Librarian of Congress and Public Printer of the United States, and presidentially appointed inspectors general.” …. & … “Members of the White House staff at the rank of special assistant, deputy assistant, assistant to the president, and Counselor to the President are accorded the title. Officials nominated to high office but not yet confirmed (e.g., commissioner-designate) and interim or acting officials are generally not accorded the title “the Honorable,” except for Cabinet-level officials.”

    … don’t include ‘Special Prosecutor”

  4. “…we are fighting the president in the courts…”

    Army Detachment Steiner will not be coming to the courts, either. Nancy, it’s all over but the cyanide and the pistol.


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