Pelosi pushes back on impeachment calls: Without facts, it’s hearsay – IOTW Report

Pelosi pushes back on impeachment calls: Without facts, it’s hearsay

WaEx: House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi knocked down growing calls from members of her own party to impeach President Trump during a town hall Monday.

Pelosi told a CNN town hall that impeachment must be rooted in facts rather than personal opinions about the president. The San Fransisco Democrat was asked specifically about Texas Democrat Al Green’s calls to impeach Trump over the firing of former FBI Director James Comey.

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18 Comments on Pelosi pushes back on impeachment calls: Without facts, it’s hearsay

  1. The Dems are playing a dangerous game getting their base so worked up about impeachment and then failing to deliver. They are going to have to keep manufacturing fake news headlines to keep their base from learning the Russians weren’t even involved in the DNC hack with Seth Rich’s story breaking.

  2. Playing. With. Fire.

    The Seth Rich Wikileaks murder would have disappeared under POTUS HRC.
    Now it’s about to blow. Here’s Assange with unique leverage, again.

    Disgruntled/and/or/patriot DNC staffer leaks the DNC betrayal of Sanders/overall corruption to Wikileaks. DNC/HRC has staffer murdered on the streets of D.C. …with full cooperation of Obama admin.

    This is not another 1990s Arkancide. This us fresh. The Clintons got away with Vince Foster. The Seth Rich murder may be one too many.
    First step is for the Feds to take over the case. National security, etc.

  3. This is nothing more than self-preservation; Pelosi wants to keep her minority leader status. The elections of Obama aside, the Democrats have had distastrous election showings in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 at virtually all levels of government. If this trend is not reversed in 2018, Pelosi may be relegated to just a loony Congresswoman from San Francisco.

    The deranged fringe of the Democrat party is taking over. Historically, the minority party usually picks up a few seats in the mid-term elections, but the Democrat are instead poising themselve to lose a few more seats because ordinary Democrats just can’t identify with the leftist fringe. Pelosi knows that the current Democrat leaders need to reign in the loonies, but that horse may have already left the barn.

  4. I don’t know if Pelosi has some kind of hidden agenda, but taking her at her word about not impeaching Trump is the first thing I have ever heard her say that I agree with. The dems don’t have the power for an impeachment, let alone a conviction.

  5. Pelosi is not lucid. She does, however, have a heightened sense of self-preservation. All street vermin do.
    And right about now inside her head she’s hearing alarms tantamount to The Great Chicago Fire.

    (BTW….where is Mrs. O’Leary when we need her?)

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