Pelosi Says Husband Never Purchased Stocks Based on Information She Provided Him – IOTW Report

Pelosi Says Husband Never Purchased Stocks Based on Information She Provided Him

Epoch Times: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is facing questions about whether her husband, Paul Pelosi, made stock purchases based on information she gave him.

During an exchange with a reporter on Thursday, Pelosi responded with “no” and “absolutely not” when asked about whether she handed information to her husband, a multi-millionaire California stock investor.

In recent months, Pelosi has drawn scrutiny over her husband’s moves on the stock market. Last week, her office disclosed that Paul Pelosi recently exercised 200 call options, or 20,000 shares, of semiconductor company Nvidia at a strike price of $100 with an expiration of June 17 worth between $1 million and $5 million.

The stock purchase came weeks before a Senate voted to advance a bill that would subsidize domestic semiconductor production in a 64-34 vote. The measure would provide roughly $52 billion in subsidies to chip companies, including Nvidia and Intel, to increase production in the United States.

“It certainly raises the specter that Paul Pelosi could have access to some insider legislative information,” Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist, told the Daily Caller about Paul Pelosi’s stock activity. “This is the reason why there is a stock trading app that exclusively monitors Paul’s trading activity and then its followers do likewise.”

Earlier this week, a Pelosi spokesperson said that the House speaker doesn’t directly own any stocks and “has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in any transactions.” more here

19 Comments on Pelosi Says Husband Never Purchased Stocks Based on Information She Provided Him

  1. Hmmm, am I to believe that lying c×nt or this gem:
    “This is the reason why there is a stock trading app that exclusively monitors Paul’s trading activity and then its followers do likewise.”?

  2. Fine, then she should be fine with my suggestion that any elected or appointed official or their family MUST post any and all stock trades 24 hours in advance. Furthermore Nasty, if you would never pass on insider trading info you would be fine with the death penalty for any elected or appointed official convicted of doing so. It would never effect you…. If not she is full of shit.

  3. She may very well not have provided him with information. That doesn’t mean one of her aides didn’t. To get the right answer you sometimes have to ask the right question.

  4. She didn’t have to tell him. The word goes out and the broker calls him to coordinate transactions.

    These democrats really are the dindu nuffin party

  5. Gosh, if the years have proven anything, Paul Pelosi sure is a good guesser at picking stock winners after his wife has learned about them on a House committee. But it’s nothing that shows the kind of concrete evidence that the news media could really sink their teeth into, you know, like “Twump/Russia!!!”

  6. This isn’t the first instance – and it won’t be the last.
    The Pelosi’s gross worth QUADRUPLED after she became Speaker.
    These people are scum – corrupt, fetid, stinking scum.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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