Pelosi Says She Sees a “CLEAR PATTERN” With the Brown, Garner and Rice Deaths – IOTW Report

Pelosi Says She Sees a “CLEAR PATTERN” With the Brown, Garner and Rice Deaths

The Hill-

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday night that three recent high-profile killings by police officers form a “clear pattern.” “Tonight, in communities across the country, Americans are grieving the tragic deaths of unarmed citizens. Neither Eric Garner, nor Tamir Rice, nor Michael Brown deserved to be killed,” she said.

“Any one of these deaths would be a tragedy, but three such incidents appear to be a clear pattern,” she said.


I’m with Pelosi on this. I, too, see a clear pattern. Do you?




31 Comments on Pelosi Says She Sees a “CLEAR PATTERN” With the Brown, Garner and Rice Deaths

  1. The pattern – envious, racist black people using black criminals to justify breaking the law and stealing other people’s stuff, while living off the fruits of other people’s labor (welfare).

    Plus, they can’t spell.

  2. In a nation of 360 million souls, and millions of cross-raced interactions between citizens and police, annually, I don’t think that 3 data points are sufficient to discern a pattern.

    Unless one is predisposed (prejudicial) towards that conclusion.

    Once again, Nancy is LYING!

  3. The pattern is the result of years of liberal ineptitude, corruption, and racism. Fostering a sense of entitlement, at the cost of dignity and responsability. Keeping a segment of the population in chains. Exchanging a persons self worth for a vote.

  4. To liberals, those spellings are “close enough”. Like their “new math” which teaches estimation, not precision. Again, close enough, especially for government work.

    Relativism, in all things. For who are you to judge?

    God, I hate them.

  5. Actually, there are at least several ‘clear patterns’ here.
    But I don’t think they are the ones racist Pelosi is pretending to see.

    BTW, Nancy…would you care to explain this tweet that you sent to your lord and master?
    “Happy birthday, Mr. President! Hope today brings you much laughter, great joy & lots of cake… dark chocolate, of course!”

    Racisst we much!
    Fucking hypocrites!

  6. So what’s the democrat communist plan, replace all the white racist cops with blacks in brown shirts?
    Is that where the martial law starts? Since you will be fucked even by your own voters if you can’t scam enough Mexicans to vote three fucking times for you in the next election?

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