Pelosi Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “China Would Prefer Joe Biden” – IOTW Report

Pelosi Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “China Would Prefer Joe Biden”

Dan Bongino:

On Sunday, while appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed a report from National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) regarding foreign election interference that concluded that China “prefers President Trump doesn’t win re-election.”

According to the National Pulse, the NCSC’s report says:

“We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China.”


13 Comments on Pelosi Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “China Would Prefer Joe Biden”

  1. It’s not just the chinks, it’s also the mad Mullahs in Iran, the Norks and every other communist dictatorship in the world. The left has to be defeated or else we become like what happened to Russia 100 years ago. And I for one will not want to live under a communist dictatorship, nor do my children and granddaughters.

  2. Are we talking native American Indian or someone from India? There is a big difference you know. Is she qualified to run a 7-11 or other convenience store since joey made that reference about Indians and Pakistani’s running convenience stores.

  3. What rabid toddler got ahold of Nutzy’s eyebrow pencil?
    Do we have a mole in the DNC makeup department?
    This old hag is looking more like a crazed clown every time I have the misfortune to see her

  4. Trump should run fake campaign ads for Biden with China’s endorsement. They could contain scenes of the red guard, Tiananmen Square, muslims being boarded onto trains on their way to concentration camps, etc. Then at the end put “Joe Biden and democrat party approve of this”.


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