Pelosi Scoffs at Leadership Challenge – IOTW Report

Pelosi Scoffs at Leadership Challenge


House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi scoffed Wednesday when asked if the victory of self-described Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over House Democratic Caucus chair Joe Crowley (D-NY) in New York’s 14th congressional district demonstrates a change in party leadership is needed.


9 Comments on Pelosi Scoffs at Leadership Challenge

  1. Today’s democrat politicians are not the Democrats of yesteryears – not that that was much better – and are now. DINOs. They are very much socialist true believers. This new one is only being honest. We’ll see more newbs coming out as “democratic socalists” until they simply drop all pretense and market themselves as proud socialists. They simply need the established party apparatus to get on ballots as they’d otherwise not have a snowballs chance.

    The sad thing is there are people in this country stupid enough to vote for them.

  2. The democrat socialists planted the seed of anti-God, anti-Family, destruction of History, racial politics and social uprising in the late 60s and beyond.

    Now that seed has become Socialists first, Democrats second and Americans last.

    “Anti-American Socialist Democrats”. The party of corruption, lies, strife and division.

  3. I think they should keep her as well.
    2007 when she took control House Dems = 233
    Currently House dems = 193
    I don’t think we can do better than her. Plus it is fun to watch her twitch on stage.


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